
org version requirement?

Dapuva76 opened this issue · 5 comments

does this require a certain version of org-mode to function?
I've dl'd it and modified my config file, but it doesn't show up. My
agenda view is set to show the next two weeks, as well as the last week,
not sure if that has any possible impact.

Fuco1 commented

Can you M-: and evaluate org-agenda-finalize-hook to see if it exists and contains the hook from this package?

I'm not aware of any specific version requirements, I'm using 9.1.6 and there it works.

You'd need 9+ though probably.

Yes, it does exist and contains the hook. I'm using org-mode 9.1.9 on Emacs 25.3.1 (Windows 7)

Fuco1 commented

Any additional agenda packages? What happens if you run the function manually inside the agenda? If you know how to debug elisp code you can walk through the execution.


Found the culprit. Something's not right with my load-path config. Manually loading the file gets timeline working. Sorry for wasting your time!

Fuco1 commented

No problem, happy it works!

Yea, the hooks don't signal errors and just fail silently so probably Emacs didn't help you much there :D