- achudnovThe D. E. Shaw Group
- akirakJapan Standard Time
- alphapapaUSA
- arrdem@abnormal-security
- articuluxe
- casouri@pluto-alice
- cbxAustria
- CestDiegoNYC
- dragonwasrobotDoccla
- ebpaMinneapolis, MN
- enisozgenAmadeus
- hostsamurai@ExpediaGroup
- jasoncyu
- jay3ss
- jeffkowalskiLafayette, CA
- jumper047
- junkwTokyo, Japan
- k-schmidtSF
- keeganmccallumMaking magic at Luma Labs
- lepisma@skit-ai
- lgmoneda@nubank
- mankoffNASA GISS
- map7Digitech Corporation
- montaropdf
- naupakaUniversity of San Francisco
- petebakerSchool of Public Health, University of Queensland
- sehnsucht13Vancouver, Canada
- sonn-gamm
- terlar@seb-oss
- thomasfvarious
- tmlppJyväskylä, Finland
- xeijin
- yantar92
- yct21
- yqrashawn@status-im
- zecho