The Insurance-api transform the user profile in a risk profile and evaluate the insurance rules such as Auto, Home, Life and Disability.
The API is using Golang 1.17v
- Gorilla Mux v1.8.0
- Validator v9.31.0
- Isolate the web framework.
- Single-Responsibility principle for creating new structs.
- Dependency Inversion principle, the high-level module must not depend on the low-level module, but they should depend on abstractions.
- Standardizing API errors.
- Golang >=1.17
To run the API on port 8080 (by default)
make run-local
To run all tests
make run-tests
To run the API on port 8080
make docker-up
to run tests on Docker:
make docker-tests
The API documentation is in ./docs/openapi
The body request to evaluate a risk profile is:
"age": 35,
"dependents": 2,
"house": {"ownership_status": "owned"},
"income": 2000000,
"marital_status": "married",
"risk_questions": [1, 1, 0],
"vehicle": {"year": 2018}
Required fields:
- Age (an integer equal or greater than 0).
- Dependents (an integer equal or greater than 0).
- Income (an integer equal or greater than 0).
- MartialStatus ("single" or "married").
- RiskQuestions (an array with 3 booleans).
Users can have 0 or 1 house. When they do, it has just one attribute: ownership_status, which can be "owned" or "mortgaged".
Users can have 0 or 1 vehicle. When they do, it has just one attribute: a positive integer corresponding to the year it was manufactured.
The response could be an error HTTP 400 with the error messages:
"message": [
"validation error on RiskProfileRequest.House.OwnershipStatus",
"validation error on RiskProfileRequest.Vehicle.Year"
And could be an HTTP 200 OK with the insurance suggestion plans:
"auto": "regular",
"disability": "economic",
"home": "economic",
"life": "regular"