
Scripts & Tools for processing DCOI IDC data files

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts & Tools for processing DCOI IDC data files.

These scripts are currently in active development and may have outstanding issues.


  • Script to scrape, validate, and import cost savings files from agency websites.
  • Additional validation rules in validate.py.
  • Handle adjudication of Optimization Exemptions across all scripts.
  • Create examples of usage of JSON files on the IT Dashboard.


This script should be run to validate any IDC csv files before submitting to OMB. The script will output any errors in the data that must be resolved, and also list warnings of data that does not meet expectations for quality.

Usage: python validate.py FILENAME.csv


This script sets up a SQLite database for use by all of the following scripts.

This and all following files use the configuration settings in config.py.

Usage: python createDatabase.py


This script imports data from an IDC spreadsheet or a directory of spreadsheets into the SQLite database.

Usage: python importIDCData.py FILENAME.csv

Usage: python importIDCData.py /DIRECTORY/OF/DATAFILES/


This script generates the JSON data files needed for the IT Dashboard.

Usage: python runDCOIReport.py