
Adds batch operation support to the mailchimp-marketing client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python BatchMailchimp

PyPI Package latest release License

A light wrapper around mailchimp-marketing that makes it easier to use batch operations.

Getting Started


pip install batch-mailchimp


This can be used as a drop-in replacement for mailchimp-marketing – just change the import at the top, and everything should work the same:

import batch_mailchimp as MailchimpMarketing

client = MailchimpMarketing.Client({
    "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",

The additional functionality comes when we initialise the client with batch=True:

import batch_mailchimp as MailchimpMarketing

client = MailchimpMarketing.Client({
    "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "batch": True,

If we do this, operations are stored up in the client, to be run later. For example:

# Fetch all MailChimp lists

All new operations will be added to the batch. When we’re ready, we can run all the operations in the batch:

batch = batch_client.batches.run()

We can check the batch’s status using:


Once it has finished, we can get the response with:

response = batch.response()

API Structure and Endpoints

The API structure and endpoints match that of mailchimp-marketing. You should refer to their documentation for usage.


If you are having issues, please create an issue.


The project is licensed under the MIT License.