SCVI Extract

Python scripts to extract data formats from the pokemon games 'Scarlet' and 'Violet'

How to use

  1. Create the folders 'files' and 'tools' in the root directory of the repo.
  2. Place the files 'flatc.exe' and 'oo2core_6_win64.dll' (newer should work as well) in the 'tools' folder.
  3. Place the files 'data.trpfs' and 'data.trpfd' (from the romfs) into the 'files' folder.

TRPFS Extraction

  1. Run the script '' with no arguments.
  2. The extracted files will be located in a folder called 'output' in the root directory.

TRPAK Extraction

  1. Run the script '' with the full path of the trpak you want to extract as an argument.
  2. The extracted files will be located alongside the input file.

Full Extraction (Note: this might take a while)

  1. Run the script '' with no arguments
  2. The extracted files will be located in a folder called 'output' in the root directory.