
Render an App Icon for your iOS app from an SVG, in the accompanying XCAssets file structure.

Primary LanguageSwift


Render an App Icon for your iOS app from an SVG, in the accompanying XCAssets file structure.


Import this into your Swish scripts so you can swish appicon whenever you need to regenerate.

In your Swish's Package.swift

  dependencies: [
  .package(url: "https://github.com/FullQueueDeveloper/SwishXCAssets.git", from: "0.3.2"),
  // ...
  targets: [
    .executableTarget(name: "appicon", dependencies: ["SwishXCAssets"]),
    // ...

And the code for the appicon target might look like

import SwishXCAssets

struct AppIconMain {
  static func main() async throws {
    let svgPath = "path/to/AppIcon.svg"
    try await AppIcon(inputSVG: svgPath, outputDir: "MyApp")
      .render(platforms: [.iPhone, .iPad, .mac])

Full example

The ios-base template app uses this library to generate an App Icon. An App Icon is needed to upload to TestFlight. https://github.com/0xOpenBytes/ios-base/blob/9fe9836bb5e771d70ceb34114ec1e95745f2263d/Swish/Package.swift#L23