Hello! This is where Harry and Fergal will put the material for BCP. It will be updated after every class. If any of the links don't work don't hesitate to slack us and let us know.
Table of Contents
- Introduction And Tidy Code
- Loops And Debugging
- Coercion And Truthiness
- Caesar Cypher
- Scope
- Arrays I
- Arrays II
- Sudoku Validator
- Objects
- Recursion I
- Recursion II
- Next Steps
Additional Resources
- Repl.it Play around with code!
- Code Visualizer Visualize your code step by step
- Code Wars - Loops Practice more loops
- Code Wars - Practice
- Optional: Watch these after you've learned about Objects
Code Wars Links:
Here are a few links to problems on Code Wars, feel free to start at whatever level you feel confident. They're a good way to review things we've learned thus far.
8 = Beginner, 1 = Master
00 Additional Notes
01 Introduction and Tidy Code
02 Loops And Debugging
03 Coercion and Truthiness
Live Review (old video)
04 Caesar Cypher
Live Review (old video)
05 Scope
Live Review (old video)
- What is Scope?
- Global Scope
- Functional Scope
- Nested Functions & Functional Scope
- Block Scope
- Hoisting
- Best Practices
06 Arrays I
Live Review (old video)
- Array Definition
- Typeof & Array.isArray()
- Bracket Access
- Bracket Assignment
- Array Looping
- Array Length
- Array.push()
- Array.pop()
- Array.shift()
- Array.unshift()
- Array.indexOf()
- Array.slice()
- Array.includes()
- Array.reverse()
07 Arrays II
Live Review (old video)
08 Sudoku Validator
Review (old video)
09 Objects
General Notes
- What is an Object
- Why are Objects Useful
- Typeof an Object
- Creating Objects
- Access Object Properties
- Adding Object Properties
- Changing Object Properties
- Deleting Object Properties
- In Operator
- For In Loop
- Object Methods
- Nested Arrays
- Nested Objects
Object Methods
Object Methods Notes
Pass By Value, Pass By Reference - Optional Advanced Lecture 1
Higher Order Functions I - Optional Advanced Lecture 2
Higher Order Functions II - Optional Advanced Lecture 3
10 Recursion I
11 Recursion II
Credit to @arielahdoot for the repository template