
  1. Intro to Git
  2. HTML / CSS
  3. FlexBox
  4. Practical Debugging
  5. The Document Object Model
  6. Event Handling
  7. Node and Asyncronous Code
  8. Express Part One
  9. Express Part Two
  10. SQL Part One
  11. SQL Part Two
  12. Schema Design
  13. Node / pg
  14. Express Router and REST
  15. Sequelize - Models and Hooks
  16. Sequelize - Associations
  17. Sequelize - Self Referencing Associations
  18. Front End Modules - Webpack
  19. Single Page Applications
  20. React Intro
  21. React Lifecycle
  22. Full Stack Data Flow
  23. Testing
  24. Redux
  25. React-Redux
  26. Combine Reducers, ApplyMiddleware (Logging and Thunks)
  27. React Forms