In which I learn all about polymer.dart. Discuss polymer.dart at mailing list. Ask question on Stack Overflow.
See our tips and tricks for upgrading from Web UI to Polymer.dart.
- Use
fooChanged(oldValue) { ... }
to add a convenient observer for your property "foo" - Confirmed! - attributeChanged lifecycle method is now implemented - Confirmed!
- external stylesheets in the template like
<link rel=stylesheet ...>
should work - customize your custom element's creation, for example, it's easy to create one without a ShadowRoot if you want
- generally: there are a lot of methods you can override to customize your polymer-element's behavior
- polymer-elements without template or without script tag (using "noscript" attribute) should work - Confirmed!
- attributes and properties are automatically bound in both directions
- bugs where event delivery wasn't happening has been fixed
- registration of a subclass waits for its superclass
- bindProperty now an method on PolymerElement, and makes it easy to create a 2-way binding to another model
- convenience methods such as fire/asyncFire (for custom events)
- No more need for
extends PolymerElement with ObservableMixin
, just extend PolymerElement - Confirmed! - Use @published on fields that should be used for attributes (don't need the attributes attribute) - Confirmed!
- onMutation
- Provide direct access to oldValue/newValue in ChangeRecord (
- Attaching custom objects to custom events
- PropertyChangeEvent has oldValue and newValue (and target)
- Directly extend the DOM class
- Override shadowFromTemplate ( to generate nodes not in the shadow dom
Access to current iteration index:
(This is not a complete list of bugs with polymer.dart. Just the bugs that I ran into. Some of these are feature-compatibility issues with Polymer JavaScript, others are straight-up bugs. Please don't misinterpret, polymer.dart might be useable for you in the meantime. It depends on your app.)
See the full list of Polymer.dart issues if interested.
Setting selectedIndex doesn't change select's visible option bind_to_select_field
PolymerExpressions doesn't support list literals:
PolymerExpressions doesn't seem to support named bindings:
PolymerExpressions map literals in class attribute aren't treating non-null as true:
Confusion around importing nested components (with boot.js)
polymer.dart compiles to very large JavaScript files:
Binding to a select value doesn't work (but binding to selectedIndex works) bind_to_select_field
Unable to compare against the literal null
in an expression,
when getter first returned a null, and now an int.
e.g.: (works with numDays is null, not when is int)
Radio buttons not un-setting. bind_to_radio_buttons (In the meantime, see bind_to_radio_buttons for workaround.)
Importing custom elements via packages not working? custom_elements_from_package_import
- CSS in external file
This project received help from:
- Nelson Silva
- Chris Buckett
- Richard Griffith
- Gabor Szabo