
A system monitor for Raspberry Pi with MQTT streaming

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pi System MQTT Bridge

A MQTT client to send pi system status periodically through MQTT. The following system stats are published:

  1. CPU Temparature
  2. GPU Temparature
  3. Voltages: Core, SDRAM_C, SDRAM_I, SDRAM_P

How to use?

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Open config.json and set the broker options.
  3. In config.json, change topic.base to the first part of the of topic, common to all published message topics.
  4. Optinally you can edit topic.* to customize the topic to which you want to publish

Update configurations online

You can also update the configurations online by sending messages to specific topics. The following configurations can be updated online:

Setting Topic Example Payload
Update Interval topic.base+"/config/interval" Send 10 to set update interval to 10 seconds

How to auto-start?

You can use systemd to start this node program.

  1. Create a systemd file by
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/pisystem-bridge.service
  1. Put the contents as
Description=Pi System Monitor Bridge Service

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node <path-to-this-folder>

  1. Execute the following commands
sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/pisystem-bridge.service 
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable pisystem-bridge.service 
  1. Reboot your system/raspberry pi.
  2. To check status
systemctl status pisystem-bridge.service