
This repository is a sample that uses AWS CDK v2 to deploy an AWS Greengrass Core Device.

How to Run

Move to the cdk directory. The following work is done in the terminal.

Please replace the AWS profile for each environment. This is defined in the AWS CLI configuration files (~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials).

CDK deploy

To initialize AWS CDK, perform cdk bootstrap.

cdk bootstrap --profile={your-profile}

To deploy the stack using AWS CDK, perform cdk deploy. At this time, use the outputs-file option to output the results of CfnOutput to a JSON file.

cdk deploy --profile={your-profile} --outputs-file ./cdk-output.json

When the deployment is complete, cdk-output.json is generated under the cdk directory.

Generate Configuration File

Run the following command. In this process, it obtains credentials that temporarily have the necessary permissions to install the Greengrass Core device and generates a new JSON file.

AWS_PROFILE={your-profile} npx ts-node script/generateConfigFile.ts cdk-output.json

When the above process is complete, greengrass-config.json is created.

Transfer Configuration File and Installation Script to Ubuntu Machine

Set the SSH connection destination information as your-server in .ssh/config.

Run the following command.

Transfer the generated greengrass-config.json and the shell script installGreengrassCore.sh that installs Greengrass Core to the Ubuntu machine with scp.

scp script/installGreengrassCore.sh greengrass-config.json {your-server}:~

Work on Ubuntu Machine

Connect to the Ubuntu machine via ssh and run the following command to install Greengrass Core.

. ./installGreengrassCore.sh greengrass-config.json

Go to the Greengrass section of the AWS console and check that MyThing is registered in the device list.

That's all.