TWRP Device Tree Generator

How to use this tool?

  1. First of all, you need to get your device any bootable system boot.img AB partition recovery.img All partitions except AB.

  2. fork this repository to your username

  3. Upload recovery.img or boot.img to a location that can provide a direct link to download, here I recommend uploading the img file directly to this repository, then click in and click view raw to get the direct link

  4. Click actions - make twrp device - run workflow, then enter the direct link you just obtained in the link box.

  5. Click 'Run workflow' to start running after you finish filling in the link box. Compile result You can download it from Release

Can't read the tutorial? Take a look at the github tutorial for compiling twrp next door, it's pretty much the same as this one!

TWRP Device Tree生成工具

  • 这个工具怎么用?
  • 1.首先你要搞到你的设备任意一个可以开机系统的
  • boot.img AB分区
  • recovery.img 除了AB分区以外的所有分区

  • 2.将这个仓库fork到你的用户名下

  • 3.将recovery.img或boot.img上传至一个可以提供直链下载的位置,这里我推荐直接将img文件上传至这个仓库,然后点进去点view raw,来获取直链

  • 4.点击actions - make twrp device - run workflow,然后在那个链接框里面输入你刚刚获取的直链

  • 5、填写完成后点击 'Run workflow' 开始运行

