
Final Burn Alpha 2012. Port of Final Burn Alpha to Libretro (

Primary LanguageC++


This is port of Final Burn Alpha 2012 to Libretro ( with SDL1.2 on the FunKey S.

Linux build

  • Add the FunKey SDK binaries to your PATH by launching source path_to_funkey_SDK/environment-setup
  • Run ./compile_libretro.sh make platform=funkey

Installation for FunKey

  • Install sdlretro on the FunKey, see https://github.com/FunKey-Project/sdlretro

  • If it does not exist yet, create the /mnt/FunKey/.sdlretro/cores folder.

  • Copy the svn-current/trunk/fbalpha2012_libretro.so file into this folder.


  • Select game rom to run, if rom file type is supported more than one core, a core selection menu is popup first.

  • Rom in zip is supported if there are no more than 2 files (one rom file and one dir/readme) in the zip. If the core does not support in-memory rom load, the rom in zip will be extracted to .sdlretro/tmp and removed on exit.

  • Use power-flick to enter menu.