What is ReverseAD
is a simple AD tool designed for evaluating high order derivative tensors directly via reverse mode AD.
Download and Install
ReverseAD uses GNU automake toolchain. So you should simply be able to compile and install the package following:
autoreconf -fi
./configure --prefix=$ReverseADHOME
make; make install
One (Ten) Minute Example
Source code and sample result
Let's begin with the following example one_minute.cpp
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include "reversead/reversead.hpp"
using ReverseAD::adouble;
using ReverseAD::TrivialTrace;
using ReverseAD::BaseReverseHessian;
using ReverseAD::DerivativeTensor;
using ReverseAD::trace_on;
using ReverseAD::trace_off;
template <typename T>
T foo(T x1, T x2) {
return pow(x1+1, 2) + pow(x1*x1 - x2, 2);
int main() {
adouble x1, x2;
adouble y;
double vy;
trace_on<double>(); // begin tracing
x1 <<= 2.0; // independent variable #0
x2 <<= 3.0; // independent variable #1
y = foo<adouble>(x1, x2); // function evaluation
y >>= vy; // dependent variable
std::shared_ptr<TrivialTrace<double>> trace =
trace_off<double>(); // end tracing
std::cout << "y = " << vy << std::endl;
std::unique_ptr<BaseReverseHessian<double>> hessian(
new BaseReverseHessian<double>(trace));
std::shared_ptr<DerivativeTensor<size_t, double>> tensor = hessian->compute(2,1);
// retrieve results
size_t size;
size_t** tind;
double* values;
// adjoints : dep[0].order[1]
tensor->get_internal_coordinate_list(0, 1, &size, &tind, &values);
std::cout << "size of adjoints = " << size << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
std::cout << "A["<< tind[i][0] << "] = " << values[i] << std::endl;
// hessian : dep[0].order[2]
tensor->get_internal_coordinate_list(0, 2, &size, &tind, &values);
std::cout << "size of hessian = " << size << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
std::cout << "H["<< tind[i][0] << ", " << tind[i][1]
<< "] = " << values[i] << std::endl;
A simple Makefile
can be :
ReverseadHome = $(HOME)/packages/reversead
all : one_minute
one_minute : one_minute.cpp
$(CXX) -std=c++11 -I$(ReverseadHome)/include $^ -o $@ -L$(ReverseadHome)/lib -lreversead
The results of running previous code is :
y = 10
size of adjoints = 2
A[0] = 14
A[1] = -2
size of hessian = 3
H[0, 0] = 38
H[1, 0] = -8
H[1, 1] = 2
In depth explanation
Header files
packs all necessary header files for the package. This could be the only header file you need to include.
#include "reversead/reversead.hpp"
ReverseAD namespace
Almost all functions, types and classes provided by ReverseAD are within namespace ReverseAD
. So use using-directives for namespaces or using-declarations for namespace members to resolve references. As in the code :
using ReverseAD::adouble;
using ReverseAD::TrivialTrace;
using ReverseAD::BaseReverseHessian;
using ReverseAD::DerivativeTensor;
using ReverseAD::trace_on;
using ReverseAD::trace_off;
Active type and active region
Active Type: Variable with active type get involved in derivative evaluation. ReverseAD provides typeadouble
as the reverse active type with derivative part ofdouble
is also within namespaceReverseAD
.Active Region: An active region defines a objective function. It should contain declaration ofindependent variables
, declaration ofdependent variables
and afunction body
. Foradouble
, the active region begins withtrace_on<double>()
and ends withtrace_off<double>()
.- ~Trace ~ : A
returncd bytrace_off<double>()
contains all information one needs to evaluate the derivatives of thatactive region
. We usestd::shared_ptr<TrivialTrace<double>>
as the type of trace.
Derivative evaluation
Once we get a trace
for an active region
, we can pass it to a derivative evaluation class
to evaluate it's derivatives. In the example we uses BaseReverseHessian
which evaluates the derivatives up to second order.
std::unique_ptr<BaseReverseHessian<double>> hessian(new BaseReverseHessian<double>(trace));
This code creates an instance of BaseReverseHessian
namely hessian
std::shared_ptr<DerivativeTensor<size_t, double>> tensor = hessian.compute(2, 1);
Then we can call the member function compute(ind_num, dep_num)
to evaluate the derivatives for the trace
up to second order and the results are returned into a std::shared_ptr<DerivativeTensor<size_t, double>>
Other derivative evaluation class
are given in the following table:
Class | Order (d) | Constructor |
BaseReverseAdjoint | 1 | BaseReverseAdjoint(trace) |
BaseReverseHessian | 2 | BaseReverseHessian(trace) |
BaseReverseThrid | 3 | BaseReverseThird(trace) |
BaseReverseGeneric | 1-10 | BaseReverseGeneric(trace, d) |
BaseReverseTensor | 1-6 | BaseReverseTensor(trace, d) |
Retrieve derivative tensor
After we call the compute(ind_num, dep_num)
function of a derivative evaluation class
the derivatives are stored in to a DerivativeTensor<size_t, double>
. The derivative tensor of each order for each dependent variable is organized in a sparse coordinate list format
. The function get_internal_coordinate_list
will expose pointers to the internal array. For example:
tensor.get_internal_coordinate_list(0, 1, &size, &tind, &values);
will get the size, coordinate array, value array for the first order derivative (1
) for the first dependent variable (0
tensor.get_internal_coordinate_list(0, 2, &size, &tind, &values);
will get the size, coordinate array, value array for the second order derivative (2
) for the first dependent variable (0
). For derivative higher than first order, only the lower part of the tensor will be reported.
Do Not deallocate those pointers since they are maintained internally