This project is a web-based application for securely encrypting and decrypting files using the Flask framework and AES encryption. Users can upload files through a simple web interface to encrypt them before storage and decrypt them upon retrieval. The application ensures the confidentiality of file data by requiring a password for both encryption and decryption processes. The project is designed to be easily deployed on cPanel-based hosting services.
Key Features: File Encryption: Upload files and encrypt them using a password and AES encryption. File Decryption: Upload encrypted files and decrypt them using the same password. Web Interface: User-friendly web pages for uploading files and managing encryption/decryption processes. Security: Ensures data confidentiality by securely handling file data and encryption keys. Technologies Used: Flask: Web framework for building the application. Python: Programming language used for server-side logic. AES Encryption: Secure encryption algorithm for file data. HTML/CSS: Frontend technologies for the web interface. cPanel: Hosting platform for deploying the application.