
Helps you to setup a PirateBox dev. environment

Primary LanguageMakefile

PirateBox OpenWRT development environment scripts

This is a collection of scripts and documentation for developing on scratch on PirateBox-OpenWRT packages, images and related things. All of the commands in the Makefile are customized or assume, that you don't rely on the current stable source.

What this repository is

This repository is intended to get you started with a development environment to build your own PirateBox images - no matter if you just want to enable an additional OpenWRT feature, remaster your PirateBox image or start developing for the PirateBox.

What this repository is not

  • NO newbie guide. You should know your way around in Makefiles you should also have some knowledge about building OpenWRT. In doubt follow the reference Links - if they do not help, feel free to file an issue.
  • SHOULD NOT be used if you only want to create a customized OpenWRT image. If you want to do that, use openwrt-image-build instead.


  • Make sure you have the loop kernel module loaded:

      modprobe loop
  • Make sure you have at least 8BG free disk space

  • Make sure you have the following packages installed:

    • git
    • subversion
    • python3

Setting up the development enviroment

There are two methods to build the image:

  • Using the official piratebox feed
  • Using a custom, local feed

Use the local feed variant if you want to use other branches than the master or development branch or if you want to pull in your own packages.

For the impatient

The Makefile comes with four auto build targets, you start them, lean back and wait for the finished images. They at some point all require you to enter the root password, so you either need to wait until you are prompted to input your password or set your sudo timeout to unlimited, do some action as sudo in the current terminal and than start the build process.

  • make auto_build_stable
    Will build the stable release with the master branch of the openwrt-piratebox-feed.

  • make auto_build_beta
    Will build the beta release with the development branch of the openwrt-piratebox-feed.

  • make auto_build_development
    Will build a snapshot release, using a local feed including the develompment branches of packages otherwise pulled in via the openwrt-piratebox-feed.

  • make auto_build_local
    Will build a release using all the packages from the local_feed folder, but without changing branches. It will use all the packages at the set branch and build from there. This is the best way to implement and test your own changes, using exactly the branches you want.

Detailed build instructions

Find below the steps described each of the automated targets uses. The PirateBox feed variant is described in detail, other variants are described in how they differ from the PirateBox feed variant.

PirateBox feed variant

To build your PirateBox image with the master branch of the openwrt-piratebox-feed execute the following steps in order:

  1. Clone and configure OpenWRT and clone the image build script

     make openwrt_env

Detailed information about the OpenWRT build system may be found in the OpenWRT Wiki:

  1. Apply the PirateBox OpenWRT feed
    You can learn more about feeds on the feeds page in the OpenWRT wiki.

     make apply_piratebox_feed

    or make apply_piratebox_beta_feed

  2. Update all feeds

     make update_all_feeds
  3. Install the PirateBox OpenWRT feed

     make install_piratebox_feed
  4. Create the piratebox script image

     make create_piratebox_script_image
  5. Build OpenWRT If you have more than four cores, do not forget to adjust the THREADS variable in the Makefile.
    This will copy the default kernel config and start building OpenWRT.

     make build_openwrt

The THREADS variable in the Makefile needs to be adjusted to your system, a good rule of thumb for the value is to use the amount of cores you have available on your build machine.
Building the OpenWRT image may take a long time, depending on your machine, up to a couple of hours.

  1. Aquire missing packages
    There are a couple of packages that did not make it in the OpenWRT repo yet, so you need to acquire them manually:

     make acquire_stable_packages


     make acquire_beta_packages
  2. Start local repository
    After building OpenWRT you can start your local repository:

     make run_repository_all

This will start a python http server on port 2342. If you now surf to http://localhost:2342 you can verify that the repository is up and running. If you want to change the port of the local repository, set it in the Makefile.

  1. Build the PirateBox image
    To build the PirateBox image and install.zip run:

     make piratebox
  2. Stop the local repository After building the image you can stop your local repository:

    make stop_repository_all
  3. Enjoy your build
    You should now have a directory called target_piratebox in the openwrt-image-build directory. This directory contains all supported firmware images and the install_piratebox.zip

You can now continue with the auto installation step.

Local feed variant

The local feed variant only differs in a couple of steps from the piratebox feed method. If you want to add your own repositories to the local feed, create a local feed directory

mkdir local_feed

And add your repositories. Then run the steps from above.

Instead of Step 2 you run:

make apply_local_feed

Instead of Step 4 you run:

make install install_local_feed

Skip Step 7, because the packages downloaded in this step are build from source when using the local feed variant.

Cleaning up

There are two different clean targets:

make clean

Will clean the openwrt-image-build directory and the openwrt directory. It will however not delete the OpenWRT toolchain. It will also stop the local repository in case it is still running. This is also the first step executed when using any of the auto build targets.

make distclean

Will do the same as clean, but will also delete all directories and files pulled in while building. The directory will basically look like after a fresh clone.


Builing OpenWRT fails with errors

Run make in the openwrt folder single threaded and with the S=v flag to get detailed output:

make S=v


This table is a short overview of build times on different systems. Initial is the time it took to build the first image, including toolchain. Following is the time it takes to build once the toolchain is available. Those values are by far not exact. Throughout the build process a lot of packages are fetched of the internet, so your speed also plays a big role. The times are intended to give you a bit of a feel of how long it will take you to build.

CPU Cores Threads RAM Initial Following
Intel i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz 8 8 8GB 45:46 28:22