
Url Shortener with ZooKeeper for multiple instance

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

URL Shortener

Url Shortener with ZooKeeper for multiple instance

How to Support a lot of POD ?

  • Each pod has own id range. for example for app-0 (100000) * (0 +1) to (100000) * (0 + 2). it's mean app-0 pod will give id's in rage of 100000 to 200000.

  • Each pod is creating his own zookeeper path when starting pod. (handle_zookeeper command) (you can check start.sh)


You can also view API's in /docs/ and /redoc/ paths.

  • [POST] /api/v1/url-shortener/
    --> Produce short url from long url
    --> [body] -> url

  • [GET] /api/v1/all-url/
    --> Retrieve All informations about URL's

  • [GET] /{str:url}
    --> Redirect to long url and increase visitor count

Create ZooKeeper Paths

python manage.py handle_zookeeper

This command will create path according to your enviroment variable.

  • TOTAL_POD_COUNT = Total replica count (needed for create path with specific number)
  • HOSTNAME = Unique name of pod or given unique path


  • default app-100
  • for docker-compose app-101
  • for k8s app-0 to app-N


Manual Deploy

You can use vscode run section and run django app. (You have to open ZooKeeper in your local for this)

Open ZooKeeper in your local with docker

docker run  -d -p 2181:2181 -p  2888:2888 -p 3888:3888 -p 8080:8080  zookeeper
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 mongodb 

Docker Deploy

docker run -p 8000:8000 . 

Docker-compose Deploy

This is not a good replication it's use same zookeeper path becouse of dynamic envrion problem of docker-compose (we can't give dynamic env for replicas)

docker-compose up --build

Kubernetes Deploy

  • Easly run start_deploy_k8s.sh script.

Note: Script wrote with helm be sure you have helm and k8s on your computer.

  • Install mongodb
helm install mongodb  bitnami/mongodb --values=./helm/mongodb_values.yaml -n urlshortener
  • Install ZooKeeper
helm install zookeeper bitnami/zookeeper -n urlshortener
  • Install URL Shortener App before you run below code you should build image and push to local registry. (You can check start_deploy_k8s.sh)

helm upgrade --install app ./helm/app -n urlshortener


You can run test with vscode run section or

python manage.py test core.api.v1.test

Be sure you have mongodb up and running