
Classic Snake built in Python using the PyGame library

Primary LanguagePython


Inspired by the Classic Snake Game
This game was coded in Python (3.6.3) and utilises the Pygame library

🔧 Build & Installation

1.) Pygame requires Python, if you don't already have it, you can download it here, Use python 3.6.1 or greater, because it is much friendlier to newbies, and additionally runs faster.

2.) The best way to install pygame is with the pip tool (which is what python uses to install packages). Note, this comes with python in recent versions. Use the --user flag to tell it to install into the home directory, rather than globally.

3.) In console python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user

4.) Open game.py and run



This code above (line 22-24) controls the icon image in the pygame window, I have not uploaded the icon source image so pygame will give you an error. Before running game.py comment out these 2 lines (using #) or alternatively add your own image source.

📷 Screenshots

Start Screen (On Launch) Game Over Screen
