
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


DEV mode

build docker dev image using docker-compose

docker-compose build

run the container

docker-compose up -d

make django migration don't forget to run migration of there is any modification on the database

docker-compose exec web conda run --no-capture-output -n fink_tom_env python manage.py migrate

launch the dev server

docker-compose exec web conda run -n fink_tom_env fink_tom/manage.py runserver

access to the TOM database

docker-compose exec db psql --username=fink_tom_default --dbname=fink_tom_dev

create a new user in dev mode

docker-compose exec web conda run --no-capture-output -n fink_tom_env python fink_tom/manage.py createsuperuser

Prod mode

build and up the production containers

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build

collect static files

docker-compose exec web conda run --no-capture-output -n fink_tom_env python manage.py collectstatic --no-input --clear

print logs

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml logs -f