
A collection of awesome Open source projects, libraries, resources and shiny things made by fusemachines engineers.

Awesome Open-source

A collection of open-source projects by fusemachines. GitHub issues GitHub forks GitHub stars

Chrome Extensions

  • hydropump - A chrome extension that reminds you to drink water on a regular basis.
  • workplace-sharer - Chrome extension to share media, images , text from any other media sources to workplace.


Libraries for working with frameworks.


  • github-web - This is a super simple command line module that creates a new github project along with HTML5 boilerplate.
  • modalAnimate.js - modalAnimate.js is a jQuery plugin to create a fullscreen modal with CSS3 transitions.


Components for working with frameworks.

Sentimental Analysis


  • ScreenEat - Share your screen shot with sharable link online.
  • Insta-crawler - Pulls data from instagram and saves it to Firebase for storage and Algolia for search.
  • react-materialize-admin-template - Admin template written in react with material design along with other components.

Machine learning

  • ChatterBot - ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots.


Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.



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