
Space CACD

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC

Space CACD

The Space project was carried out by the Circuits and Systems group of the department of Electrical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. See the Space website: http://www.space.tudelft.nl

The main topic of the project was the layout-to-circuit extractor 'space'. Therefore, the distribution was called "the Space CACD software".

This distribution includes also the NELSIS IC design tools and the OCEAN Sea-of-Gate placement and routing software. And the TU Delft design practicum software. And a version of the Berkeley SPICE analogue network simulator.

This source distribution is intended only to be used with Linux. How to install, consult the "Installation.txt" file.

This software is distributed under terms of the ISC License. See the "LICENSE" file.