
FusionAuth Import scripts for Auth0 and other examples

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FusionAuth Import Scripts

We're building out import scripts for any and all third party Identity Providers. Feel free to submit a PR with your specific use of the Import API in whatever language you have.



Gather the following:

  • Your Auth0 user data export file
  • Your Auth0 secrets export file
  • Your FusionAuth instance URL
  • A FusionAuth API key. This key must have at least the /api/user/import permission to import normal users, and the additional permissions of /api/identity-provider/link and /api/user/search to import social users.

The following gems are required to run this import script.

require 'date'
require 'json'
require 'fusionauth/fusionauth_client'
require 'optparse'
require 'securerandom'

If you are familiar with Ruby you can optionally build a build file, or simply install these gems prior to running the script. The date, optparse, securerandom and json gems are likely already available in your Ruby environment.

You can run bundle install if you have bundler installed, or you can install the gems manually: sudo gem install fusionauth_client, etc.

Finally, execute the Import script:

ruby ./import.rb -k fusionauth-api-key -u users.json -s secrets.json -f https://local.fusionauth.io -r 80492376-0ce2-4e9b-afa6-c093b78e57e5,3f282a4b-ef92-4c46-82d2-5eca8fa38293 

You can see all the options:

ruby ./import.rb -h

Social providers

This script supports loading users from social providers such as LinkedIn or Google if you are running FusionAuth >= 1.28. Otherwise it does not support importing such users.

If you are importing users with social providers, ensure that the Identity Provider is created in FusionAuth before importing the social users. See https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/identity-providers/ for more.

You can find additional social provider identity provider ids: https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-java-client/blob/master/src/main/java/io/fusionauth/domain/provider/IdentityProviderType.java and you may need to update the idp_identifiers_to_auth0_type variable with additional mappings between what Auth0 calls a social provider and the Id FusionAuth user.


The example CSV import script provides a starting point for importing users from a CSV into FusionAuth. This example maps the CSV fields by header from the example CSV onto FusionAuth users within the map_user function. You will likely need to update map_user to map the fields from your CSV accordingly.

To begin, modify the section that begins with BEGIN Modify these variables for your Import with values that match your FusionAuth environment.

The following gems are required to run this import script.

require 'date'
require 'csv'
require 'fusionauth/fusionauth_client'

If you are familiar with Ruby you can optionally build a build file, or simply install these gems prior to running the script. The date gem is likely already available in your Ruby environment.

sudo gem install csv
sudo gem install fusionauth_client

Finally, execute the Import script.

ruby ./import.rb


Gather the following:

  • Your Keycloak database credentials
  • The Id of each realm you want to import.
  • Your FusionAuth instance URL
  • A FusionAuth API key. This key must have at least the /api/user/import permission to import users.

Install the plugin

Keycloak by default uses a password hashing algorithm that doesn't ship with FusionAuth. However, there is an example password hashing plugin available here:

Install the plugin. By default, it installs the plugin with the name example-keycloak. You can use a different name, but if you do, you'll need to modify the map_hashing_algorithm method in the import script.

Here are the installation instructions: https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/plugins/writing-a-plugin/#install-the-plugin

If you used a different hashing algorithm, build a plugin that uses that algorithm and install it.

Retrieve the user data

Run the SQL query in keycloak/keycloak-export.sql to retrieve the needed data for each realm.

Edit that file to replace RealmID with the value of the realm. You can find that in the admin screen, it is the Name field of the realm. You'll want a separate output file for each realm. Realms in Keycloak map to Tenants in FusionAuth.

Output the results of this query to a CSV file. How you do so depends on the database. Assuming the SQL above is stored in keycloak-export.sql, the database username is USER, the database password is password, and the keycloak database is keycloak, the export command might be:

  • mysql: cat keycloak-export.sql | mysql -u USER -ppassword keycloak| sed 's/\t/,/g' > out.csv. You may have to remove the header line.
  • postgresql: psql -W -h localhost -p5433 -U USER -d fusionauth -c "Copy (CONTENTS OF SQL FILE) To STDOUT With CSV HEADER DELIMITER ',';" > out.csv

In any event, you'll end up with a file that looks like this:


You can tweak this SQL file to, for example, only retrieve enabled users or those created after a certain date. The main tables you are interested in are USER_ENTITY and CREDENTIAL.

Import the data

The following gems are required to run this import script.

require 'date'
require 'json'
require 'fusionauth/fusionauth_client'
require 'optparse'

If you are familiar with Ruby you can optionally build a build file, or simply install these gems prior to running the script. The date, optparse and json gems are likely already available in your Ruby environment.

You can run bundle install if you have bundler installed, or you can install the gems manually: sudo gem install fusionauth_client, etc.

Finally, execute the import script. This command imports into an instance running at local.fusionauth.io, into the 80492376-0ce2-4e9b-afa6-c093b78e57e5 tenant, from the import.csv file:

ruby ./import.rb -u import.csv -f https://local.fusionauth.io -t 80492376-0ce2-4e9b-afa6-c093b78e57e5 -k apikeyapikey

You can see all the options:

ruby ./import.rb -h


Please see https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/migration-guide/firebase for full instructions.

Azure AD B2C

Please see https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/migration-guide/azureadb2c for full instructions.

Duende Identity Server

Please see https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/migration-guide/duende for full instructions.

Amazon Cognito

Please see https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/migration-guide/cognito for full instructions.


Please see https://fusionauth.io/docs/lifecycle/migrate-users/provider-specific/stytch for full instructions.

Custom Authentication System

Please see https://fusionauth.io/docs/lifecycle/migrate-users/genericmigration for full instructions.

Ping Identity

Please see https://fusionauth.io/docs/lifecycle/migrate-users/provider-specific/pingone for full instructions


Please see https://fusionauth.io/docs/lifecycle/migrate-users/provider-specific/wordpress for full instructions.


Please see https://fusionauth.io/docs/lifecycle/migrate-users/provider-specific/frontegg for full instructions.

Generate Test Users

This script will use the Import API to bulk create users for load testing FusionAuth.

The following gems are required to run this import script.

require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require 'getoptlong'
require 'openssl'

Make sure you set up an application with a user role into which to import users. The FusionAuth URL must have no trailing slash. The API key must have at least the POST permissions on the /api/user/import endpoint. Users will be imported with a password of password.

Example usage:

Import 1 million users

ruby generate_import.rb --apiKey <API Key> --applicationId <Application Id> --tenantId <TenantId> --url http://localhost:9011 --total 1000000 

Generate 100,000 users.

ruby generate_import.rb --apiKey <API Key> --applicationId <Application Id> --tenantId <TenantId> --url http://localhost:9011 --total 100000 

Generate 100,000 users with an offset of 100,000. This would allow you to import an additional 100k users after the first 100k.

ruby generate_import.rb --apiKey <API Key> --applicationId <Application Id> --tenantId <TenantId> --url http://localhost:9011 --total 100000 --ofset 100000

Generate Applications

This script will use the Application API to create applications.

The following gems are required to run this import script.

require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require 'getoptlong'
require 'openssl'

Example usage: Generate 3,000 applications

ruby generate_applications.rb --apiKey <API Key> --tenantId <TenantId> --url http://localhost:9011 --total 3000