
A multi-purpose dead discord bot that i keep saying imma rewrite but don't

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This bots been dead for a couple weeks now but

I am gonna be rewriting this bot from scratch so checkout the rewrite branch

I have other projects im working on so this rewrite will take a while

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License CodeFactor


Why Bot

An open source, multi-purpose discord bot made to enhance your discord experience :)

[Add to your server]

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?help - For help

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Built With
  3. Contributing
  4. License
  5. Contact
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Commands

About The Project

Why bot is a multipurpose open-source bot.

Why has many features such as:

  • Onping messages
  • Autoroles / Reactroles and Moderation
  • Welcome images
  • Fun
  • Counting game and Auto calc
  • Many Utilities
  • Logging
  • Tickets
  • Music and Custom Vc’s
  • Search commands like reddit, google and images
  • Image generation
  • Leveling System
  • and much much more!

Why bot is an open-source project written in Python using Py-Cord. So you can always check the code or contribute to it. Also why bot will respond to any DM you do to it. So if you want to talk with someone, Why bot will be there.

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Built With

This project was made using a fork of discord.py called py-cord. I did orginaly use discord.py for this project but since its no longed being maintained I switched to py-cord

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.

Don't forget to give the project a star :)

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b newfeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some newfeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin newfeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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Siddhesh Zantye - @Fusion_Sid - whybot@fusionsid.xyz

Discord Account: FusionSid#3645

Join the Why Discord Server For help.

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Even though I take take credit for most of the code, I would like to thank everyone who helped with this bot or any other open source projects which I used code from:

These are the ones I remember:

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Discord Card


Name Usage Description
play play [name/url] Play a song
binarytotext binarytotext Convert binary to text
wh webhook [id] [text] Send message through a webhook
settings settings Shows the servers Why Bot settings
numrn numrn Current number for the counting game
skip skip Skips the playing song
leave leave Leave vc
report report [message/member/bug] Report member/message to your server mods and report bugs to me
rank rank [@user(optional)] Shows your rank image
pause pause Pause song
youtube youtube [search query] Searches through youtube for videos
resume resume Resume the paused song
queue queue Show queue
leaderboard leaderboard Shows the leaderboard for your server
loop loop Loop queue/song
createplaylist createplaylist [playlist name] Create a playlist
currentgames currentgames Show current games being played
info info [@user] Returns info on a user
getuuid getuuid [ign(optional)] Returns your minecraft ign
setign setign Sets you minecraft ign
plugins plugins [enable/disable] [plugin name] Enable/Disable Plugins for Why bot
hystats hystats [ign(optional)] Shows a nice pic of your hypixel stats
plist plist [playlist name] Displays all the songs in a playlist
serverinfo serverinfo shows server info
ping ping Shows bot ping
playlist playlist [playlist name] Play a playlist
botinfo botinfo Info about Why bot
padd padd [playlist name] [song/songurl] Add song to a playlist
bwstats bwstats [ign(optional) Shows your bedwars stats
warnings warnings [@user] Displays a users warnings
createhook createhook [name] [channel(optional)] Creates a webhook
shuffleplaylist shuffleplaylist [playlist name] Shuffle a playlist
goose_mode goose_mode This command toggles goose_mode
pdel pdel [playlist name] Delete song from a playlist
mp3 mp3 [attach mp3 file] Play an mp3 file
tts tts [text] Text to speech
music music Small music button dashboard
claim claim Free Coins
tictactoe tictactoe Tic Tac Toe
hextotext hextotext [text] Converts hex to Text
texttobinary texttobinary Convert to binary
whosplaying whosplaying [game/activity] Check whosplaying activity
setprefix setprefix [prefix] Sets the server prefix
reddit reddit [subreddit] Find a random reddit post
warn warn [@user] [reason] Warns a user
weather weather [city] Get weather
autocalc autocalc [True/false] Toggles autocalc for this server
texttohex texttohex [text] Converts Text to hex
reverse reverse [text] Reverses Text
rock rock Rock Image
dog dog Dog Image
meme meme Gets a meme
cat cat Cat Image
panda panda Panda Image
imagesearch imagesearch [search query] Find an image from google
expand expand [num] [text] Expands Text
fox fox Fox Image
join join Bot joins VC
bird bird Bird Image
tweet tweet [@person] [message] Fake tweet image
ban ban [@user] Ban a member
bug bug [bug] Report a bug
giverole giverole [@role] [@member] Give role to a member
ytcomment ytcomment [@person] [message] Fake youtube comment image
kick kick [@user] Kick a member
apod apod Astronomy Picture of the day
make_vc make_vc [limit(If none change to None)] [name] Create a VC
simp simp [@member] Simp card
lockdown lockdown [#channel] Lockdown a channel
horny horny [@member] Horny licence
unlock unlock [#channel] Unlock a channel
make_channel make_channel [name] Create a text channel
joke joke Joke
overlay overlay [type] [@member] Image overlays for you discord profile pic
avatar avatar [member] User avatar
clear clear [amount] Delete messages
lyrics lyrics [song name] Song lyrics command
nickname nick [@user] [nickname] Change a users nick
wiki wiki [search] Wikipedia Search
newticket newticket Creates a ticket
drunkify drunkify [text] Drunkifies Text
botinvite botinvite Invite why to your server
slowmode slowmode [seconds] Set channel to slowmode
unban unban [member id] Unban a banned member
pin pin [message id] Pin a message
closeticket closeticket Close a ticket
addaccess addaccess [roleid] Gives a role access to tickets
redditimg redditimg [subreddit] Find a image from a subreddit
qrcode qrcode [url] Creates a qrcode
suggest suggest [suggestion] Suggest something for Why
rslowmode rslowmode Removes slowmode from a channel
calculate calculator Interactive button calculator
delaccess delaccess [roleid] Removes a role from accessing tickets
nitro nitro Free Coins
calc calc [query] Calculates your query
addadminrole addadminrole [roleid] Adds an admin role for tickets
unpin unpin [id] Unpins a message
vote vote Vote for why bot
deladminrole deladminrole [roleid] Removes an admin role from accessing tickets
removereactions removereactions [message id] Removes reactions from a message
cuse cuse [@user(optional)] How many times have you used Why?
rps rps [rock/paper/scissors] Play a game of rock paper scissors against the bot
dm dm [@user] [message] Bot sends a message on your behalf
roast roast Bot roasts you
onpinged onpinged [set/clear(optional)] Sets your Onpinged message
sendroast sendroast [@user] The bots send a roast to someone on your behalf
takerole takerole [@role] [@member] Remove roles form member
embed embed --title test --desc test --channel 123456789 --color blue --timestamp yes --fields 2 Makes an embed
8 ball 8ball [question] Asks the 8ball a question
runcode runcode [language] [code] Runs code
reactrole reactrole [:emoji:] [@role] [message text] Creates a reactrole
invite invite Creates a 10 day invite for your discord server.
say say [text] Bot sends text
yesorno yesorno [question] Makes a Yah or Nah poll
poll poll [time:seconds] '[title]' [each option followed by a space] Makes a poll
autorole autorole [@role] [all/bot] Sets the autorole role for the server
reactemoji reactemoji [message_id] [word] React a word to a message
voice voice [set/setlimit] Sets the custom vc for you voice channel
hack hack [@user] Hack someone
screenshot screenshot [url] Screenshot a url
emojify emojify [text] Emojifies Text