
A simple map input for react-admin that uses react-google-maps to set & show points on map.


Using npm: npm i @fusionworks/ra-google-maps-input

Using yarn: yarn add @fusionworks/ra-google-maps-input


import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
// import GMapInput component
import { GMapInput } from '@fusionworks/ra-google-maps-input';

// use GMapInput in Edit form
export const EntityEdit = props => (
  <Edit {...props}>
      <TextInput source="id" />
      <TextInput source="name" />

You can also use that component to work also with multiple markers on map:

import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
// import GMapInput component
import { GMapInput } from '@fusionworks/ra-google-maps-input';

// use GMapInput in Edit form with "multipleMarkers" prop
export const EntityEdit = props => (
  <Edit {...props}>
      <TextInput source="id" />
      <TextInput source="name" />

That component provides a prop that allows to use a search input to search for a specific location on map, and to put a marker on that location

import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
// import GMapInput component
import { GMapInput } from '@fusionworks/ra-google-maps-input';

// use GMapInput in Edit form with "searchable" prop
export const EntityEdit = props => (
  <Edit {...props}>
      <TextInput source="id" />
      <TextInput source="name" />

Also, there exists an Field component, that can be used in Show Views

import { Show, SimpleShowLayout, TextField } from 'ra-google-maps-input';
/// import GMapField component
import { GMapField } from 'ra-google-maps-input';

// use GMapField component in show View
export const ShowEntity = props => (
  <Show {...props}>
        <TextField source="id" />
        <TextField source="name" />


Prop Type Description Default
googleKey string the google aplication key for your map
source string source field in your resource model
multipleMarkers boolean source field in your resource model false
searchable boolean adds a search input to your map false

For GMapField ar aveilable just source and googleKey props


You can find an example of react-admin aplication that uses @fusionworks/ra-google-maps-input in /example directory of component github repository

To run this example you need to: clone the repository, navigate in example folder, install dependencies, and run the app.

  • git clone git@github.com:FusionWorks/react-admin-google-maps.git && cd react-admin-google-maps

  • cd example

  • npm i or yarn

  • npm start or yarn start