
Deployment demo shown in Block IV of the Sustainable DAOs lecture 2020

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Demos in the Sustainable DAOs lecture 2020

As shown live in Block IV of the lecture, see the recording here.

#1 eth.build demo

Link to the eth.build demo setup. Also saved as .webloc in this repo.

#2 Deployment demo

Note that the HTML-setup is not recommended as a boilerplate to start coding from, it was merely intended as "shortest path" to wiring up something functional in the browser during the live demo.

For a proper dApp setup you might look into boilerplates like the truffle react box, scaffold-eth or create-eth-app. There are also many tutorials out there to help you get going. The pet shop one was helpful to me back then - it seems a bit old now though.


# Node.js 10.0.0
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install 10.0.0
nvm use 10.0.0

# Truffle
npm install -g truffle

# Ganache
# install from trufflesuite.com/ganache

Deploying the smart contract

truffle compile # creates DemoContract.json in the build/contracts/ folder
truffle migrate # deploys the smart contract onto the blockchain

Interacting with it via command line

truffle console
> DemoContract.deployed().then(inst => inst.foo())
> DemoContract.deployed().then(inst => inst.setFoo(7))

Interacting with it via browser

python3 -m http.server # quickest way to serve from current directory
# --> http://localhost:8000/

Create contract-address.js with the address of the deployed DemoContract:

let contractAddress = '0x...';

Commit-walker script

I wrote the commit-walker.sh script to advance in the git history commit by commit during the deployment live demo. Starting from the past on a new branch and cherry-picking one by one from main forward. It uses stepcounter to read/write the next step and git.log to extract the respective commit hash. The command to list the hashes is:

git log --reverse --pretty=tformat:%h > git.log