

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. What is Teelkey
    2. Get Started
  2. Consensus
    1. Ambassadors
    2. Network fees
    3. Peer-to-Peer
  3. Features
    1. Usernames
    2. Contacts
    3. Assets
    4. Contacts
    5. Multi-signatures
  4. Decentralized Applications
    1. Virtual Machine
    2. Dapps
    3. Dapps Development
    4. Dapps Computation
    5. Dapps Consensus
    6. Dapps Master Nodes
    7. Dapps Storage
    8. Dapps Deposits / Withdrawals
    9. Dapps Tokens
  5. Appendix
  6. Sources

Get a node running


  • MongoDB
  • NodeJS v10 (LTS)
  • ntpd or any NTP alternative for your system. ntpd comes pre-installed on most linux distributions

Install and run an Teelkey node

  • npm install to install nodejs dependencies
  • Get your own keys with node src/cli.js keypair
  • Save your keys
  • Add your keys to scripts/start.sh
  • chmod +x scripts/start.sh
  • ./scripts/start.sh

Environment Variables

The start.sh shows the list of available environment variables you can set to make teelkey behave slightly differently from the default install.

Resetting and replaying the chain

Full resync from peer to peer

Shut everything down, then db.dropDatabase() in mongo, and start the node. This will do a complete replay and verification of the chain. Depending on your CPU/RAM it might be extremely slow and take a long time on a long chain with many transactions.

Declaring your public node in your account profile

It is strongly recommended for all leaders to add a node.ws field to your profile as so:

node src/cli.js profile -K <key> -M <user> '{"node":{"ws":"ws://yourip:yourport"}}'

Using Teelkey

With CLI

You can use the CLI tool to transact with teelkey. Simply try node src/cli --help or node src/cli <command> --help for a full help.

Using TeelkeyJS

TeelkeyJS is the javascript wrapper for teelkey's API. Working on both browser and nodejs.


Teelkey's API uses 100% JSON. The GET calls will allow you to fetch the public information which is already available through most of existent UI.


Transacting (POST /transact)

Once you have an account and balance, your account will start generating bandwidth and voting power (respectively the bw and vt fields in your account data). You can consume those ressources by transacting.

Every transactions will have a bandwidth cost, calculated based on the number of bytes required for the storage of fyour transaction in a block. Certain transaction types will require you to spend voting power, such as publishing a content, voting or tagging a content.

To transact, you need to use the /transact POST call of the Teelkey API.

Necessary for all transactions:

  • key: your private key
    • Use -K MyKeyHere to use a plain-text key
    • Or use -F file.json to use a key inside a file to sign (this will prevent your key from showing on the screen too much)
  • user: your username

Vote for a leader

  • target: the node owner to approve
node src/cli.js vote-leader -K <key> -M <user> <target>

// alice votes for bob as a leader
node src/cli.js vote-leader -K 5DPwDJqTvMuykHimmZxThfKttPSNLzJjpbNtkGNnjPAf -M alice bob

Unvote a leader

  • target: the node owner to approve
node src/cli.js vote-leader -K <key> -M <user> <target>

// charlie does not want to vote for daniel as a leader anymore
node src/cli.js unvote-leader -F charlie_key.txt -M charlie daniel

Transfer tokens

  • receiver: username of the receiver of the transfer
  • amount: number of tokens to transfer to the receiver.
  • memo: arbitrary short text content
node src/cli.js transfer -K <bob_key> -M <user> <receiver> <amount> <memo>
// bob sends 50 TEEL to charles
node src/cli.js transfer -K HkUbQ5YpejWVSPt8Qgz8pkPGwkDrMn3XECd4Asn3ANB3 -M bob charles 50 'thank you'

Transfer asset

  • receiver: username of the receiver of the transfer
  • amount: number of tokens to transfer to the receiver.
  • asset: ticker of the asset to transfer.
  • memo: arbitrary short text content
node src/cli.js transfer-asset -K <bob_key> -M <user> <receiver> <amount> <asset> <memo>
// bob sends 50 DWD to charles
node src/cli.js transfer-asset -K HkUbQ5YpejWVSPt8Qgz8pkPGwkDrMn3XECd4Asn3ANB3 -M bob charles 50 DWD 'thank you'

Buy asset

  • price: buy price of each tokens.
  • amount: number of tokens to buy.
  • asset: arbitrary short asset ticker.
node src/cli.js buy 1 10 DWD -K <bob_key> -M <user> 
// bob buy 10 DWD for 1 token each.
node src/cli.js buy 1 10 DWD -K HkUbQ5YpejWVSPt8Qgz8pkPGwkDrMn3XECd4Asn3ANB3 -M bob

Sell asset

  • price: sell price of each tokens.
  • amount: number of tokens to sell.
  • asset: arbitrary short asset ticker.
node src/cli.js sell 1 10 DWD -K <bob_key> -M <user> 
//  bob sell 10 DWD for 1 token each.
node src/cli.js sell 1 10 DWD -K HkUbQ5YpejWVSPt8Qgz8pkPGwkDrMn3XECd4Asn3ANB3 -M bob

Transfer NFT

  • receiver: username of the receiver of the transfer
  • id: unique ID of the non-fungible token.
  • memo: arbitrary short text content
node src/cli.js transfer-nft -K <bob_key> -M <user> <receiver> <id> <memo>
// bob sends one unique token to charles
node src/cli.js transfer-nft -K HkUbQ5YpejWVSPt8Qgz8pkPGwkDrMn3XECd4Asn3ANB3 -M bob charles unique_id 'thank you'


  • price: bid price on NFT.
  • id: unique ID of the non-fungible token.
node src/cli.js bid-nft 10 myUniqueTokenID -K <bob_key> -M <user> 
// bob bid on myUniqueTokenID for 10.
node src/cli.js bid-nft  10 myUniqueTokenID -K HkUbQ5YpejWVSPt8Qgz8pkPGwkDrMn3XECd4Asn3ANB3 -M bob

Sell NFT

  • price: bid price on NFT.
  • id: unique ID of the non-fungible token.
node src/cli.js sell-nft 1 10 myUniqueTokenID -K <bob_key> -M <user> 
//  bob sell myUniqueTokenID for 10.
node src/cli.js sell-nft 1 10 myUniqueTokenID -K HkUbQ5YpejWVSPt8Qgz8pkPGwkDrMn3XECd4Asn3ANB3 -M bob

Add a post / Commenting

  • link: a short string to be used as the index of the content
  • parent_author: the username of the author of the parent post
  • parent_link: the link of the parent post
  • json: arbitrary json input. example: {"string":"aye", array:[1,2,3]}
  • tag: arbitrary short text content
  • weight : the number of vote tokens to spend on this vote
node src/cli.js comment -K <key> -M <user> <link> <parent_author> <parent_link> <json>

Vote a post

  • link: the link of the post to vote on
  • author: the username of the author to vote on
  • weight: the number of vote tokens to spend on this vote
  • tag: arbitrary short text content
node src/cli.js vote -K <key> -M <user> <link> <author> <weight> <tag>

Edit your user json object

  • json: arbitrary json input. example: {"string":"aye", array:[1,2,3]}
node src/cli.js profile -K <key> -M <user> <json>

Edit your user master json objet

Warning, on the official testnet and mainnet only the master account can update the master json of an account.

  • json: arbitrary json input. example: {"string":"aye", array:[1,2,3]}
node src/cli.js master-json -K <key> -M <user> <json>

Follow a user

  • target: the user to follow
node src/cli.js follow -K <key> -M <user> <target>

Unfollow a user

  • target: the user to unfollow
node src/cli.js unfollow -K <key> -M <user> <target>

Signing a raw transaction

To create a transaction and export it to a file, you can use the sign CLI tool

node src/cli.js sign <priv_key> <user> <tx> > tmptx.json

For example to approve a node owner and publishing it only 5 seconds later:

node src/cli.js sign -K 4L1C3553KRETK3Y -M alice '{"type":1,"data":{"target":"miner1"}}' > tmptx.json
sleep 5
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" --data @tmptx.json http://localhost:3001/transact

Other POST Calls

Mine Block

Will force the node to try to produce a block even if it's unscheduled. Useful for block #1 and working on development

curl  http://localhost:3001/mineBlock

Add peer

Manually force connection to a peer without having to restart the node

curl -H "Content-type:application/json" --data '{"peer" : "ws://localhost:6001"}' http://localhost:3001/addPeer

Data storage


Teelkey saves the state of the chain into mongodb after each block. You can easily query mongodb directly to get any data you want, that wouldn't be provided by the API itself.

mongo <db_name>
db.blocks.findOne({_id: 0})

However be sure not to write to any collection used by teelkey in this database (namely the accounts, blocks and contents). If you do, your node will irremediably fork sooner or later.

Elastic Search

Teelkey can also copy the accounts and contents into an elastic search database with monstache. A configuration file for monstache is provided in the root of this repository. Once running you can do text queries on accounts or contents like so:

# search contents
curl http://localhost:9200/teelkey.contents/_search?q=football
# search accounts
curl http://localhost:9200/teelkey.accounts/_search?q=satoshi

Please refer to Elastic Search documentation for more complex queries.

Serve a static app

Put your static app into the public repository and it will be served over your nodes: Examples: https://teelkey.com/


We would like to give all the credits to the people making available these resources.