
Keymaster automations - not able to find Zwave integration

Opened this issue · 16 comments

Good morning all, I am having an issue with my Keymaster / Schlage Camelot Zwave lock. After reading the documents on the Keymaster wiki, I am logging a bug report as I am having an issue where the automations are throwing an error ‘A Z-Wave integration has not been configured for this Home Assistant instance’. This is with any Keymaster automation, but specifically for this issue, if I attempt to run the keymaster_synchronize_codeslot_side_garage_door_5 automation(Schlage lock is named as 'side_garage_door), that error appears in the ‘traces’ page if I manually trigger it. The automation does NOT trigger automatically when updating the code on the lovelace dashboard using the card for Code 5.

I can get a code to send to the lock using the ‘Developer tools>services>keymaster: Add code to lock’ service with no issue, but the automations do not seem to fire. I have restarted HA, reloaded the Zwave integration and reloaded Keymaster with no success. All other zwave devices and automations seem to work fine. Has anyone else seen this issue with Keymaster?

2023-03-21 21:28:13.974 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster.binary_sensor] Z-Wave integration not found

You have ZwaveJS working?

That error should go away once zwavejs loads.

Check the automation/script traces.

screenshot of the automation trace with the error shown. The same error is show above from the log file. All Keymaster automations return this same error, this one is only an example to illustrate the error
Screenshot 2023-03-22 172705

screenshot showing the ZwaveJS successfully running in my HA instance.
Screenshot 2023-03-22 172900

Thanks for confirming, looks like there's some kind of issue checking the lock entity out in the entity registry.

@raman325 any ideas?

did you change the entity ID of the lock entity from what's configured in keymaster? There's no reason why it shouldn't be found as long as the IDs match

Thanks raman. I double-checked the entities and the zwave entities were listed as 'side_garage_door' as expected. However, when I looked at the entities within the Keymaster entities, they were listed as 'side_side_garage_door' for a few of them. Not all entities were listed that way, but a few were, maybe 8.
I updated them to the 'side_garage_door' and I am in testing now. It appears that, through ZwaveJS, the user codes are updating and resetting as expected but I need to test the lock itself. I will let you know my findings as soon as I am able to do that later this afternoon.

Good afternoon, I was able to verify that after manually updating the entities and removing the extra 'side_' from the entity name, the lock page works as expected. I am now able to assign and reset codes as needed from the lovelace page. Thanks so much for that direction!

Thanks for the point in the direction to fix it @raman325!

did you change the entity ID of the lock entity from what's configured in keymaster? There's no reason why it shouldn't be found as long as the IDs match

I'm getting the same error in my logs (1,100 times) but everything seems to be working. I renamed some entities and did a sed replace in the packages directory for the old/new names. Is there something else I need to do? (I've done generate scripts a few times)

Same exact error though:

Logger: custom_components.keymaster.binary_sensor
Source: custom_components/keymaster/binary_sensor.py:49
Integration: keymaster ([documentation](https://github.com/FutureTense/keymaster), [issues](https://github.com/FutureTense/keymaster/issues))
First occurred: February 20, 2024 at 2:14:55 PM (1114 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:13:06 PM

Z-Wave integration not found

You need to update the config entry data too. You can find it in config/.storage/core.config_entries but be very careful, you can screw up other integrations if you update it incorrectly. If you decide to update the file by hand/via CLI, I'd back it up first just in case