
Unofficial implementation of "SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Learning"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Unofficial Implementation for SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Learning

This is a multi-gpu PyTorch implementation of the paper SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Learning:

  title={SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Learning},
  author={Hudson, Drew A and Zoran, Daniel and Malinowski, Mateusz and Lampinen, Andrew K and Jaegle, Andrew and McClelland, James L and Matthey, Loic and Hill, Felix and Lerchner, Alexander},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.17901},

❗ Please refer to https://github.com/dorarad/soda for the authors' official repository.

❗ Note that this implementation only cares about the linear-probe classification performance, and somewhat ignores other generative downstream tasks. However, this could be a good start for further development. Please check out this DDAE repo, which is the "unconditional" baseline in the SODA paper, if you are also interested in diffusion-based classification.

❗ This repo only contains configs and experiments on small or medium scale datasets such as CIFAR-10/100 and Tiny-ImageNet. Full re-implementation on ImageNet-1k would be extremely expensive.


In addition to PyTorch environments, please install:

conda install pyyaml
pip install ema-pytorch tensorboard

Issues, different implementations, and TODOs


  • Current version of this implementation fails to achieve SOTA-level classification performances on the small or medium scale datasets. Maybe it's because these images are not diverse enough.
  • The image reconstruction is not satisfactory, because augmentations such as RandomResizedCrop and RandAugment are also applied to the target (decoder) inputs. Removing those augmentations lead to improved reconstruction but degraded classification performances.

Different implementations

  • Weight initializations (Xavier for Resnet, truncated normal for Unet) are not adopted, since I don't find them helpful on these datasets.
  • $\sqrt2$ rescaling of Unet blocks is not adopted, since I don't find them helpful on these datasets.
  • The overall architecture of the Unet decoder follows standard DDPM implementations, except for the modulations.


  • Layer Modulation & Masking

Main results

Model Dataset Resolution Epochs #Params K-NN acc Linear probe acc
Res18+DDPM CIFAR-10 32x32 800 11+40 80.4 80.0
Res18+DDPM CIFAR-100 32x32 800 11+40 51.4 54.9
Res18+DDPM Tiny-ImageNet 64x64 800 11+40 34.8 38.2


Use 4 GPUs to train SODA = resnet18 + DDPM on CIFAR-10/100 classification:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4
  train.py  --config config/cifar10.yaml  --use_amp
  train.py  --config config/cifar100.yaml --use_amp

Use more GPUs to train SODA = resnet18 + DDPM on Tiny-ImageNet classification:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8
  train.py  --config config/tiny.yaml     --use_amp

During training, the SODA encoder is evaluated by a K-NN classifier or linear probing every 100 epoch. Typically, we should not evaluate checkpoints on the validation set like this, but here we just want to observe and get a better understanding of SODA.

To evaluate the final checkpoint after training, run:

  test.py   --config config/cifar10.yaml  --use_amp
  test.py   --config config/cifar100.yaml --use_amp
  test.py   --config config/tiny.yaml     --use_amp