
ZWave Library for Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Oberasoftware ZWave Library for Java

We have created an opensource ZWave library supporting controller devices based on the Sigma Designs Serial API. If you have a device supporting this Serial API protocol most likely this library will work for you.

This ZWave library has been tested on the following controllers:

  • Aeon Labs Z-Stick II
  • RaZberry for Raspberry PI

Most likely but not confirmed works also on:

  • Vision USB stick Z-wave
  • Z-Wave.me Z-StickC
  • Sigma UZB ZWave-Plus

Code Example

The following code example shows how to switch on a Switchable item using the local API. Once the light is on, in case it is dimmable we set the level to 50%. Finally we shut the switchable item back off again.

public class LocalZwaveSessionTest {
    private static final Logger LOG = getLogger(LocalZwaveSessionTest.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LOG.info("Starting Local ZWAVE App");


     * Initialises the binding. This is called after the 'updated' method
     * has been called and all configuration has been passed.
    public static void doZwaveStuff() {
        LOG.debug("Application startup");
        try {
            ZWaveSession s = new LocalZwaveSession();

            while(!s.isNetworkReady()) {
                LOG.info("Network not ready yet, sleeping");
                sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

            LOG.info("Wait over, sending message");

            int nodeId = 4;
            int dimmerLevel = 50;
            s.doAction(new SwitchAction(nodeId, SwitchAction.STATE.ON));
            s.doAction(new SwitchAction(nodeId, dimmerLevel));

            LOG.info("Waiting a bit to switch off so we can see some visual effect");
            sleepUninterruptibly(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

            LOG.info("Wait over, sending Off message");
            s.doAction(new SwitchAction(nodeId, SwitchAction.STATE.OFF));

            LOG.info("Light off, preparing for shutdown in a bit");
            sleepUninterruptibly(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        } catch (HomeAutomationException e) {
            LOG.error("Error occurred in ZWave processing", e);

With the following code you can for example receive generic events or with the annotated event subscriber we receive sensor events:

public class LocalZwaveSessionTest {
    private static final Logger LOG = getLogger(LocalZwaveSessionTest.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LOG.info("Starting Local ZWAVE App");


     * Initialises the binding. This is called after the 'updated' method
     * has been called and all configuration has been passed.
    public static void doZwaveStuff() {
        LOG.debug("Application startup");
        try {
            ZWaveSession s = new LocalZwaveSession();
            s.subscribe(new MyEventListener());
        } catch (HomeAutomationException e) {
            LOG.error("Error occurred in ZWave processing", e);

    private static class MyEventListener implements EventHandler {

        public void receive(ZWaveEvent event) throws Exception {
            LOG.debug("Received an event: {}", event);

        public void handleSensorEvent(DeviceSensorEvent sensorEvent) {
            LOG.debug("Received a sensor: {} value: {} for node: {}", sensorEvent.getSensorType(), sensorEvent.getValue().doubleValue(), sensorEvent.getNodeId());