
Example Java project created via STS as Java Project, showing how to;

  • create Checked Exceptions (MyException1, MyException2, MyException1Child),
  • create Checked Exceptions that are child of other Checked Exception (MyException1Child),
  • throw ing checked Exceptions (Main.method1),
  • handle checked Exceptions thrown by called methods via either try/catch or throws (MyMain.useMethod1,2,3,4,5),
  • how checked Exception inheritance can be used in overwriting methods in Child classes that throws these Exceptions,
  • how to wrap an Exception into another Exception (via its constructor that takes a Throwable) and throw that

Setup dependencies

Make sure on your machine, you have;

  • git installed
  • a working unix shell (like git bash. If not there install git and use its "git bash")
  • working JDK installed (with JAVA_HOME env variable added, and PATH env variable prefixed with %JAVA_HOME%/bin)

How to use it (NOTE in below the directory structure and names are suggested)

Make sure you created the directory structure you want to store example projects in

As example, at bash command line issue;
mkdir -p /c/it114/exampleProjects

get(clone) the project from github

cd to where you put your example projects.
As example, at bash command line issue;
cd /c/it114/exampleProjects )
git clone https://github.com/njit-it114/example-java-exception.git
git clone https://github.com/njit-it114/example-java-exception.git whateverDirectoryNameYouWantStuffToBeClonedInto

Project directory structure

  • README.md this read me file
  • src directory of java packages
  • design directory of design documents, like class diagram