Source code for the website Jekyll is used to generate static pages, and these are generated automatically after some pushes to the repository (it may take ~30s to refresh though).

Open datasets

Add the details of a new CityGML open datasets in _data/opendatasets.yml, it's a YAML (.yml) file and very simple to understand.

The non-CityGML datasets (eg in COLLADA) should go to the file _data/opendatasets_notcitygml.yml


File is _data/software.yml, and the category field can contain more than one, eg:

- name: FME
  description: Can be used to read, write, process and visualise CityGML. macOS too now!
  foss: false
  category: viewer;parser
  starred: true

Adding blog/news posts

Each blog/news post is a Markdown file in _posts. When creating one, just copy the structure of the other ones, the naming convention for the files must be followed and each file should have a header of this form:

layout: post
title:  "Testing..1..2..testing"
categories: news
date:   2015-09-29 08:29
author: John Smith

To write markdown and see right-away the result, use that very handy website.

To add images, you must them in the folder /img/2016/myimg.jpg and then add them with

Bla bla bla 

![]({{ site.baseurl }}/img/2015/myimg.jpg)