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This module implements KBase apps that are used to transform data files into KBase data objects for use in analysis. This also includes a few apps for adding external files to the user's staging area, and manipulating them there.

See here for more information on uploading data to KBase.


This module was created using the KBase SDK. See the documentation for more detail. Apps are mostly broken down into submodules. Instructions for setting up a local development environment can be found here (note that Docker is required).

The main entrypoint is in lib/kb_uploadmethods/kb_uploadmethodsImpl.py. Individual apps in that module use one or more utility module to handle different file types. These are all under lib/kb_uploadmethods/Utils. Add a new Util module if you're adding an uploader for a new data type.


This module can be tested with the following steps, common to all KBase SDK modules.

  1. Install the KBase SDK.
  2. Fetch this module and navigate to it from the console.
  3. Run kb-sdk test once - this will initialize the test_local/test.cfg file.
  4. Populate the test_local/test.cfg file with a KBase authentication token (see here for details).
  5. Run kb-sdk test again.

Once steps 1-4 have been run once, you can just run kb-sdk test to run the test suite any time.


Each app is listed below with the following format: Display name - what the user sees - links to module doc page, if available app id: id - how the app is identified to the system, including the directory under ui/narrative/methods entrypoint: function - name of the function that gets run in this module, as described in kb_uploadmethods.spec output type: typed object(s) created

Batch Import Assembly from Staging Area

  • app id: batch_import_assembly_from_staging
  • entrypoint: batch_import_assemblies_from_staging
  • description: Import FASTA files from your staging area into your Narrative as an Assembly data object.
  • input file type: FASTA
  • output type: KBaseSets.AssemblySet

Batch Import Genome from Staging Area

  • app id: batch_import_genome_from_staging
  • entrypoint: batch_import_genomes_from_staging
  • description:: Import files (GenBank or GFF + FASTA) from your staging area into your Narrative as a Genome data object
  • input file types: GenBank, GFF with FASTA
  • output type: KBaseSearch.GenomeSet

Import TSV/Excel File as Attribute Mapping from Staging Area

  • app id: import_attribute_mapping_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_attribute_mapping_from_staging
  • description: Import a TSV or Excel file from your staging area into your Narrative as an Attribute Mapping data object.
  • input file types: TSV, Excel
  • output type: KBaseExperiments.AttributeMapping

Import JSON File as EscherMap from Staging Area

  • app id: import_eschermap_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_eschermap_from_staging
  • description: Import a JSON file from your staging area into your Narrative as an KBaseFBA.EscherMap data object.
  • input file type: JSON (format not specified)
  • output type: KBaseFBA.EscherMap

Import FASTA File as Assembly from Staging Area

  • app id: import_fasta_as_assembly_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_fasta_as_assembly_from_staging
  • description: Import a FASTA file from your staging area into your Narrative as an Assembly data object.
  • input file type: FASTA
  • output type: KBaseGenomeAnnotations.Assembly

Import FASTQ/SRA File as Reads from Staging Area

  • app id: import_fastq_sra_as_reads_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_reads_from_staging
  • description: Import a FASTQ or SRA file into your Narrative as a Reads data object.
  • input file types: FASTQ, SRA
  • output type: KBaseFile.SingleEndLibrary or KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary

Import TSV/XLS/SBML File as an FBAModel from Staging Area

  • app id: import_file_as_fba_model_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_file_as_fba_model_from_staging
  • description: Import a file in TSV, XLS (Excel) or SBML format from your staging area into your Narrative as an FBAModel.
  • input file types: TSV, Excel, SBML
  • output type: KBaseFBA.FBAModel

Import GenBank File as Genome from Staging Area

  • app id: import_genbank_as_genome_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_genbank_from_staging
  • description: Import a GenBank file from your staging area into your Narrative as a Genome data object.
  • input file types: GenBank
  • output type: KBaseGenomes.Genome

Import GFF3/FASTA file as Genome from Staging Area

  • app id: import_gff_fasta_as_genome_from_staging
  • entrypoint: upload_fasta_gff_file
  • description: Import a GFF or FASTA file from your staging area into your Narrative as a Genome data object.
  • input file types: GFF3 and FASTA
  • output type: KBaseGenomes.Genome

Import GFF3/FASTA file as Annotated Metagenome Assembly from Staging Area

  • app id: import_gff_fasta_as_metagenome_from_staging
  • entrypoint: upload_metagenome_fasta_gff_file
  • description: Import a GFF or FASTA file from your staging area into your Narrative as an annotated metagenome data object.
  • input file types: GFF3 and FASTA
  • output type: KBaseMetagenomes.AnnotatedMetagenomeAssembly

Import SRA File as Reads From Web - v1.0.7

  • app id: import_sra_as_reads_from_web
  • entrypoint: import_sra_from_web
  • description: This App allows the user to load SRA format read libraries directly into the workspace from sources on the web. In addition to standard HTTP and anonymous FTP links, the user may also obtain files from Google drive and Dropbox links.
  • input file type: SRA
  • output type: KBaseFile.SingleEndLibrary or KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary

Import TSV File as Expression Matrix From Staging Area

  • app id: import_tsv_as_expression_matrix_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_tsv_as_expression_matrix_from_staging
  • description: Import a tab-delimited file from your staging area into your Narrative as an Expression Matrix.
  • input file type: TSV
  • output type: KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix

Import TSV File as Phenotype Set from Staging Area

  • app id: import_tsv_as_phenotype_set_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_tsv_as_phenotype_set_from_staging
  • description: Import a tab-delimited file in your staging area as a Phenotype Set.
  • input file type: TSV
  • output type: KBasePhenotypes.PhenotypeSet

Import Media file (TSV/Excel) from Staging Area

  • app id: import_tsv_excel_as_media_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_tsv_or_excel_as_media_from_staging
  • description: Import Media file (TSV/Excel) from your staging area.
  • input file types: TSV, Excel
  • output type: KBaseBiochem.Media

Import Paired-End Reads from Web - v1.0.12

  • app id: load_paired_end_reads_from_URL
  • entrypoint: upload_fastq_file
  • description: This App allows users to load FASTQ format paired-end read libraries directly into the workspace from sources on the web. In addition to standard HTTP and anonymous FTP links, the user may also obtain files from Google drive and Dropbox links.
  • input file types: FASTQ, FASTA
  • output type: KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary

Import Single-End Reads from Web - v1.0.12

  • app id: load_single_end_reads_from_URL
  • entrypoint: upload_fastq_file
  • description: This App allows users to load FASTQ format single-end read libraries directly into the workspace from sources on the web. In addition to standard HTTP and anonymous FTP links, the user may also obtain files from Google drive and Dropbox links.
  • input file types: FASTQ, FASTA
  • output type: KBaseFile.SingleEndLibrary

Unpack a Compressed File in Staging Area - v1.0.12

  • app id: unpack_staging_file
  • entrypoint: unpack_staging_file
  • description: This App allows users to unpack a compressed file in the staging area. Recognizable compressed files include .zip, .gz, .bz2, .tar, .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2.
  • input file types: any compressed file
  • output type: none, this creates one or more new files in the staging area

Upload File to Staging from Web - v1.0.12

  • app id: upload_web_file
  • entrypoint: unpack_web_file
  • description: This App allows users to upload a data file (which may be compressed) from a web URL to the staging area. If the file is compressed (.gz or .zip), it will automatically be uncompressed. It is possible, and indeed encouraged to make use of folders when uploading compressed archives of files. These folders are leveraged by downstream batch processing Apps and enable users to run tools on every file in the folder. We strongly recommend using this method to move large amounts of data easily into KBase because the transfer mechanism is less likely to be interrupted (versus uploading directly from your laptop). Note that both Box and DropBox offer a mechanism to share private files temporarily using links that are only accessible to someone who know what the link address is.
  • input file types: any
  • output type: none, adds one or more files to the staging area

Import SRA File as Reads from Staging Area

  • Previously "Import FASTQ/SRA File as Reads from Staging Area" app
  • app id: import_sra_as_reads_from_staging
  • entrypoint: import_sra_from_staging
  • description: Import an SRA file from your staging area into your Narrative as a Reads object.
  • input file type: SRA
  • output type: KBaseFile.SingleEndLibrary or KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary

Import FASTQ Interleaved Reads from Staging Area

  • Previously "Import FASTQ/SRA File as Reads from Staging Area" app
  • app id: load_paired_end_reads_from_file
  • entrypoint: import_fastq_interleaved_as_reads_from_staging
  • description: Import a FASTQ file as interleaved reads from your staging area.
  • input file types: FASTQ
  • output type: KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary

Load FASTQ Non Interleaved Reads From Staging Area

  • Previously the "Import FASTQ/SRA File as Reads from Staging Area" app
  • app id: load_single_end_reads_from_file
  • entrypoint: import_fastq_noninterleaved_as_reads_from_staging
  • description: Import a FASTQ file as non interleaved reads from your staging area.
  • input file types: FASTQ
  • output type: KBaseFile.SingleEndLibrary

(not in use) Import Paired-End Reads from Staging Area

  • replaced by the "Import FASTQ/SRA File as Reads from Staging Area" app
  • app id: load_paired_end_reads_from_file
  • entrypoint: upload_fastq_file
  • description: Import FASTA or FASTQ files as paired-end reads from your staging area.
  • input file types: FASTA, FASTQ
  • output type: KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary

(not in use) Load Single-End Reads From Staging Area

  • replaced by the "Import FASTQ/SRA File as Reads from Staging Area" app
  • app id: load_single_end_reads_from_file
  • entrypoint: upload_fastq_file
  • description: Upload a single-end reads library from a FASTQ or FASTA file in your staging area.
  • input file types: FASTA, FASTQ
  • output type: KBaseFile.SingleEndLibrary