
My shot at the libft project of the 42 cursus

Primary LanguageC

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42Paris - libft

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⚙️ Details

Mandatory Part

Memory Functions

  • ft_memset: Set bytes in a block of memory.
  • ft_bzero: Zero out bytes in a block of memory.
  • ft_memcpy: Copy memory area.
  • ft_memmove: Copy memory area, handling overlapping regions.
  • ft_memchr: Locate character in block of memory.
  • ft_memcmp: Compare two blocks of memory.
  • ft_calloc: Allocate memory for an array and initialize it to zero.

String Functions

  • ft_strlen: Calculate the length of a string.
  • ft_strlcpy: Copy strings with size control.
  • ft_strlcat: Concatenate strings with size control.
  • ft_strchr: Locate character in a string.
  • ft_strrchr: Locate character in a string (reverse).
  • ft_strnstr: Locate a substring in a string with length control.
  • ft_strncmp: Compare two strings with length control.
  • ft_atoi: Convert string to integer.
  • ft_strdup: Duplicate a string.
  • ft_substr: Allocate and return a substring of a string.
  • ft_strjoin: Concatenate two strings.
  • ft_strtrim: Trim leading and trailing characters from a string.
  • ft_split: Split a string into an array of substrings.
  • ft_itoa: transforms a int into a C string
  • ft_strmapi: applies a function to array elems and returns the new array
  • ft_striteri: applies a function directly on array elements

File Functions

  • ft_putchar_fd: Output a character to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putstr_fd: Output a string to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putendl_fd: Output a string followed by a newline to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putnbr_fd: Output an integer to a file descriptor.

Character Functions

  • ft_isalpha: Check if character is alphabetic.
  • ft_isdigit: Check if character is a digit.
  • ft_isalnum: Check if character is alphanumeric.
  • ft_isascii: Check if character is ASCII.
  • ft_isprint: Check if character is printable.

Bonus Part

Linked List Functions

  • ft_lstnew: Allocate and initialize a new list node.
  • ft_lstadd_front: Add a node to the beginning of a list.
  • ft_lstsize: Count the number of nodes in a list.
  • ft_lstlast: Retrieve the last node of a list.
  • ft_lstadd_back: Add a node to the end of a list.
  • ft_lstdelone: Delete a node from a list.
  • ft_lstiter: Iterate over a list and apply a function to each element.
  • ft_lstmap: Create a new list resulting from the application of a function to each element of a list.

🪧 Usage

  1. git clone the repo
  2. make to get the libftprintf.a file,
  3. move libftpritnf.a and ft_printf.h to where you you have your project
  4. include the libft.h header in your header / main.c
  5. Compile for example your main.c with cc [your flags] -I [your include dir] main.c libft.a