
A quasi AutoComplete ComboBox in Oracle Forms with native Oracle Forms PL/SQL low code.

Primary LanguageSQLPL

Forms AutoComplete ComboBox

The first version of a quasi Oracle Forms Auto Complete Combo Box with native PL/SQL Forms code was developed 2007, http://friedhold-matz.blogspot.de/2007/09/autocomplete-combobox.html http://www.free-dev.com/chk_lboxproto2.htm here is the adapted PoC Demo version for Oracle Forms 12c.

This extended ComboBox includes 3 states:

  • Classical Forms ComboBox:

  • Extension with "block on canvas":

  • Undefined value:

Getting Started


  • Oracle Forms

Setup and Deployment

  • Download 3 files: OLB, FMB and SQL

Application setup

1.  Create the table eurocities and insert data in your test schema:
    SQL> @cr_eurocities.sql
2.  Create a new Form
3.  Add object group from cbox3.olb per drag and copy
4.  Insert in the WHEN-NEW-FORMS-INSTANCE trigger:

    pkg_CBOX.populate_auto_cbox('CBOX','select name,name from europecities order by 1');

Running the tests

  • Compile and deploy the Form.

Here the demo:

Enjoy it.