
Python IRC Server - IRCd with services - python, ircd, gevent

Primary LanguagePython


Python IRC Server - IRCd with services. It's kind of useless. It's also kind of fun. One day domino will be a full-featured IRC server, for now it's just a playground.

You can join my home server if you're interested by the project: IRC.2KAY.NET, I'll debug live ^_^

* Welcome to irc.2kay.net Fy
* Your host is "irc.2kay.net", running version Domino 0.10.dev
* This server was created on Thursday, 11. October 2018 06:52AM
* irc.2kay.net Domino 0.10.dev OQWxrB mrnstlqaovh


pip install -r requirements.txt
py run.py #: edit config dict (oper password with werkzeug.security.generate_password_hash)


/msg loki init_db     Create sqlite database.

-NickServ-  NickServ allows you to register a nickname.
-NickServ- 	GHOST     /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <pass>     Kill someone with your nickname.
-NickServ- 	IDENTIFY  /msg nickserv identify <pass>         Identify yourself.
-NickServ- 	REGISTER  /msg nickserv register <pass> <mail>  Register your current nickname
-ChanServ-  ChanServ allows you to register a channel.
-ChanServ- 	REGISTER  /msg chanserv register <channel>      Register a channel.

privmsg #chan commands: !op !deop !topic !voice !devoice !voiceall !owner !strip !kick ^_^

unique features

1. OperServ name is Loki: Best feature ever.

2. Best hostnames ever: Using markov chains and MCU Subtitles


3. Server side smileys: (stupid concept)

<Fy>  😠 😠 😠
<Fy> https://github.com/Fy-/domino/blob/master/smileys/emoji.py XD