
An improved nm + Objective-C & Swift class-dump

Primary LanguageObjective-C++


An improved nm + objc/swift class-dump (writeup)




dsdump(1)                 BSD General Commands Manual                dsdump(1)

     dsdump -- An improved nm + objc/swift class-dump

     dsdump [option...] <mach-o-file>

     Provides an "nm-improved" experience when working with Mach-O executables
     and can display C, Objective-C and Swift "class-dump" information

     -c, --color
             Adds color to output

     -f, --filter FilterWord
             Specify classes to filter by (case insensitive, can be used mul-
             tiple times)

     -a, --arch architecture
             Specify the arichtecture if file is FAT. Understands x86_64h,
             x86_64, arm64, arm64e

     -u, --undefined
             Only display undefined (externally referenced) symbols or classes

     -U, --defined
             Only display defined (internally implemented) symbols or classes

     -v, --verbose
             Specifies the verbosity level. The -v option can be used multiple
             times, while the long argument sets the exact level 0-5. Kind of
             like codesign(1)'s verbosity that everyone complains about...

     --objc  Dump the Objective-C classes

             Dump the Swift type descriptors (classes, structs, enums)

     -h, --help
             Print out this beautiful, helpful document

     List ObjC internal/external classes referenced/implemented by vmmap:
           dsdump --objc $(which vmmap)

     List the Objective-C external classes called by vmmap:
           dsdump --objc $(which vmmap) -u

     List the Objective-C internal classes implemented by vmmap:
           dsdump --objc $(which vmmap) -U

     Perform an Objective-C "class-dump" in color of vmmap
           dsdump --objc $(which vmmap) -U -vvvc

     Thoroughly dump the Swift content in color in the Console app
           dsdump --swift
           /Applications/Utilities/Console.app/Contents/MacOS/Console -cvvvv

     DSCOLOR Enables color. Alternatively, use -c

     ARCH <arch> Specify the architecture if inspecting a FAT executable,
     Alternatively use --arch

     nm(1), objdump(1), vmmap(1)

     There's a situation where occassionally dsdump will think the parent
     class is a RO_ROOT where it will in fact won't be. I'll print this out
     for now so I can hunt it down

     ARM64e still needs some luv, especially on the Swift side, especially
     with Protocols... and not crashing

     Derek Selander @LOLgrep

Darwin                        September 29, 2019                        Darwin


Compiling this will be a bit of a pain in the butt on your end. You'll need to clone the Swift language in the same directory.

# cd to the same directory as the dsdump repo
cd dsdump/.. 

# make a directory called swift-source, yes, name it exactly that
mkdir swift-source

# clone 
git clone git@github.com:apple/swift.git

# checkout 
git checkout 75670c17272a993ed798cee7e31c20590e94118b

# Use the swift update helper script to grab everything else 
./swift/utils/update-checkout --clone-with-ssh

Comment out any remaining problematic code after a build, remove methods in Metadata.h as needed (i.e. problematic ARC bridging code on line 700)

I've included the libSwiftDemangling.a static lib that I built into dsdump/dsdump. If you want to build entirely from Swift source, you'll need to build this yourself. Otherwise you should be good to go to build dsdump via Xcode.

Alternatively, you can skip all of this by simply grabbing the compiled dsdump version in the compiled directory found here. Make sure the SHA1 matches below if you're paranoid.

Compiled SHA1

SHA1: ff72c263b04421e82ad3e3acf47c563bfd985ac9
