
A menu driven C Program written to simulate the workings of a friendship graph.

Motivation behind Friend-Recommendation-Algorithm

  • During my second semester, we were given the task of writing a program with a fair amount of complexity only using C language. At that time, I was unaware of the powers of C in the world of unix programming, but still I wanted to make something interesting.
  • I was always fascinated to know how the big social media apps manage the connection data, and after some research it was evident that they use graph theory extensively.
  • Once a friendship graph is established, numerous advanced graph algorithms can be used to manage and analyse the friendship graph to suggest more connections.
  • Hence I decided to make something similar, albeit a bit simpler, but I wanted to mimic the process of storing and recommending connections.

Directory Structure

  • prototypes.h : a file which contains the structure definition of a user and also all the functions that have been used in main.c
  • functionDefinitions.c : contains all the implementation details of each function mentioned in prototypes.h.
  • main.c : the driver code. Contains the menu driven execution details as well as any data validation and conversion before calling functions from functionDefinitions.c.

Sample Graph

Sample Graph

Some functions written in the program

1. Add and display a user
2. Add and remove friends
3. Display friends of a user
4. Recommend friends based on mutuals
5. Recommend friends based on hobbies