
A quick tutorial to set up an automated whatsapp message sender.

Primary LanguagePython


A quick tutorial to set up an automated whatsapp message sender.


  1. Python3 installed on your PC
  2. Selenium library
  3. chromedriver for your chrome version


  1. Install python3 in your pc and reboot.

  2. Add the selenium library to your python, to do so, type pip install selenium in your command prompt.

  3. Download the chromedriver for your respective chrome version. p.S : To check your chrome version, open chrome>threedots>Help>About Chrome website : https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads

    Extract the zip and paste the exe file into your "C:\Windows"

  4. Now, Download the ZIP file of this repo, extract it and copy the "whatsapp.py" file into your Downloads folder.

  5. Now, navigate to the folder you have downloaded the python file, HOLD shift and right click on an empty space and select OPEN POWERSHELL HERE or OPEN COMMAND WINDOW HERE

  6. Type python whatsapp.py

  7. Scan the QR code from your mobile to activate whatsapp web BEFORE you type in the message details

  8. Enter the details. :)