MAC - Labo 1

Authors :

  • Gildas HOULMANN
  • Thibaud FRANCHETTI

2.1 Understanding the Lucene API

  1. What are the types of the fields in the index?

TextField (contents), StringField (path) and LongPoint (modified)

  1. What are the characteristics of each type of field in terms of indexing, storage and tokenization?

In this case (some fields can be stored or not), we have:

Indexed Stored Tokenized
TextField yes yes no
StringField yes no yes
LongPoint yes no no
  1. Does the command line demo use stopword removal? Explain how you find out the answer.

No, search index returns less results than the index.

  1. Does the command line demo use stemming? Explain how you find out the answer.

No, step returns 49 results. steps only 19.

  1. Is the search of the command line demo case insensitive? How did you find out the answer?

No, index and INDEX return the same number of results.

  1. Does it matter whether stemming occurs before or after stopword removal? Consider this as a general question.

The order should not have any incidence on the results, however processing the stemming before stopwords removal would be wasting time and resources on those stopwords that will be removed anyway.

3.1 Indexing

  1. Find out what is a “term vector” in Lucene vocabulary?

A term vector is a list of all terms in a field for a given document, possibly with their frequency, positions and offsets

  1. What should be added to the code to have access to the “term vector” in the index? Have a look at the different methods of the class FieldType. Use Luke to check that the “term vector” is included in the index.

The following methods must be called on our custom FieldType:

  1. Compare the size of the index before and after enabling "term vector", discuss the results.

The size of the index before and after enabling "term vector" is the following (all fields saved) :

Before After
1.7 Mo 2.5 Mo

As expected, it takes more space after than before. This is quite logical since we add data in the index.

Code of indexing

    // Field type for the summary
    FieldType summaryFieldType = new FieldType();

    // Add id
    doc.add(new LongPoint(ID_FIELD, id));
    doc.add(new StoredField(ID_FIELD, id));

    // Add all authors if not null
    if (authors != null && !authors.isEmpty()) { ->
                doc.add(new StringField(AUTHORS_FIELD, author, Field.Store.YES)

    // Add title
    if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) doc.add(new TextField(TITLE_FIELD, title, Field.Store.YES));

    // Add summary
    if (summary != null && !summary.isEmpty()) doc.add(new Field(SUMMARY_FIELD, summary, summaryFieldType));

3.2 Using different Analyzers

All the indexes have been computed using an instance of ClassicSimilarity.

  1. Explain the difference of these five analyzers.


Trivial analyzer. The text is divided at every whitespace, no additional treatment is done.


Common stopwords from the English language are removed (the list could have been provided but in our case we used the default one), some treatment is done (lower case, removing possessive 's) on the tokens before.


Allows to consider n-grams (n between two bounds min and max, both included, given as argument) as tokens in addition to the unigrams. N-grams are built with adjacent words.

By default, used in combination with a StandardAnalyzer (lower case filter).


Apply a lower case filter and remove all words from the given file.

  1. Look at the index using Luke and for each created index find out the following information:
    1. The number of indexed documents and indexed terms.
    2. The number of indexed terms in the summary field.
    3. The top 10 frequent terms of the summary field in the index.
    4. The size of the index on disk.
    5. The required time for indexing (e.g. using System currentTimeMillis() before and after the indexing).

General data:

Nb documents Nb terms Index size Indexing time
WhitespaceAnalyzer 3203 34826 2.7 Mo 1170 ms
EnglishAnalyzer 3203 23009 2.2 Mo 1386 ms
ShingleAnalyzerWrapper 1&2 3203 119845 5.2 Mo 2826 ms
ShingleAnalyzerWrapper 1&3 3203 158875 6.5 Mo 3504 ms
StopAnalyzer 3203 24662 2.1 Mo 1322 ms

Top 10 frequent terms for the summary field:

Rank Whitespace English Shingle 1&2 Shingle 1&3 StopAnalyzer
1 of us the the system
2 the which of of computer
3 is comput a a paper
4 a program is is presented
5 and system and and time
6 to present to to method
7 in describ in in program
8 for paper for for data
9 The method are are algorithm
10 are can of the this discussed
  1. Make 3 concluding statements bases on the above observations.
  1. The EnglishAnalyzer obviously uses stemming, the others probably don't (it's certain for the StopAnalyzer since computer isn't stemmed as comput but unclear for the others, although the previous description suggest they don't either).
  2. The best performances are achieved by the stopwords-based strategies (i.e. EnglishAnalyzer and StopAnalyzer), they also produce the most relevant tokens. A trivial analyzer like the WhitespaceAnalyzer is totally
  3. Shingle-based strategies can really quickly become time and resources consuming with the growth of the shingle size, so we should carefully think if we need it or not. By default, use a StandardAnalyzer (lower case filter)

3.3 Reading Index

  1. What is the author with the highest number of publications? How many publications does he/she have?

The author with the highest number of publications is Thacher Jr., H. C. , with 38 publications

  1. List the top 10 terms in the title field with their frequency.

When using the standard analyzer, we obtained these results:

term Frequency
of 1215
algorithm 983
a 963
for 694
the 675
and 425
in 387
on 338
an 278
computer 262

Code used to obtain these results:

public void printTopRankingTerms(String field, int numTerms) {
    // This methods print the top ranking term for a field.
    // See "Reading Index".
    try {
        //Obtain the terms statistics
        HighFreqTerms.TotalTermFreqComparator cmp = new HighFreqTerms.TotalTermFreqComparator();
        TermStats[] statsTable = HighFreqTerms.getHighFreqTerms(indexReader, numTerms, field, cmp);
        System.out.println("Top ranking terms for field ["  + field +"] are: ");
        for (TermStats stats : statsTable){
            System.out.println(new String(stats.termtext.bytes) + ", " + stats.totalTermFreq + " occurrences");

    } catch (Exception e) {

3.4 Searching

Code written

public void query(String q) {
    // See "Searching" section
    try {
        System.out.println("Searching for [" + q +"]");

        //Parse the query
        QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("summary", analyzer);
        Query query = parser.parse(q);

        //obtain the hits
        ScoreDoc[] hits =, indexReader.maxDoc()).scoreDocs;
        int nbHits = hits.length;

        System.out.println(nbHits + " results");
        System.out.println("Top 10 results: ");
        for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
            Document doc = indexSearcher.doc(hits[i].doc);
            System.out.println(doc.get("id") + ": " + doc.get("title") + " (" +
                    hits[i].score + ")");

    } catch (ParseException | IOException e) {


All queries have been computed using an instance of ClassicSimilarity.

  1. Searching for publications containing the term “Information Retrieval”.

Parsed query : summary:"inform retriev"
11 results

Top 10 results:

id title score
1935 Randomized Binary Search Technique 1.529259
891 Everyman's Information Retrieval System 1.4450139
1457 Data Manipulation and Programming Problemsin Automatic Information Retrieval 1.4450139
1699 Experimental Evaluation of InformationRetrieval Through a Teletypewriter 1.2743825
2519 On the Problem of Communicating Complex Information 1.1527222
2516 Hierarchical Storage in Information Retrieval 0.9871324
2307 Dynamic Document Processing 0.92724943
2795 Sentence Paraphrasing from a Conceptual Base 0.9011245
2990 Effective Information Retrieval Using Term Accuracy 0.87709016
2451 Design of Tree Structures for Efficient Querying 0.81509775
  1. Searching for publications containing both “Information” and “Retrieval”.

Parsed query : +summary:inform +summary:retriev
23 results

Top 10 results:

id title score
1457 Data Manipulation and Programming Problemsin Automatic Information Retrieval 1.7697731
891 Everyman's Information Retrieval System 1.6287744
3134 The Use of Normal Multiplication Tablesfor Information Storage and Retrieval 1.5548403
1935 Randomized Binary Search Technique 1.5292588
2307 Dynamic Document Processing 1.4392829
1699 Experimental Evaluation of InformationRetrieval Through a Teletypewriter 1.436444
1032 Theoretical Considerations in Information Retrieval Systems 1.4117906
2519 On the Problem of Communicating Complex Information 1.3600239
1681 Easy English,a Language for InformationRetrieval Through a Remote Typewriter Console 1.3113353
2990 Effective Information Retrieval Using Term Accuracy 1.2403991
  1. Searching for publications containing at least the term “Retrieval” and, possibly “Information” but not “Database”.

Parsed query : +summary:retriev summary:inform -summary:databas
54 results

Top 10 results:

id title score
1457 Data Manipulation and Programming Problemsin Automatic Information Retrieval 1.7697731
891 Everyman's Information Retrieval System 1.6287744
3134 The Use of Normal Multiplication Tablesfor Information Storage and Retrieval 1.5548403
1935 Randomized Binary Search Technique 1.5292588
2307 Dynamic Document Processing 1.4392829
1699 Experimental Evaluation of InformationRetrieval Through a Teletypewriter 1.436444
1032 Theoretical Considerations in Information Retrieval Systems 1.4117906
2519 On the Problem of Communicating Complex Information 1.3600239
1681 Easy English,a Language for InformationRetrieval Through a Remote Typewriter Console 1.3113353
2990 Effective Information Retrieval Using Term Accuracy 1.2403991
  1. Searching for publications containing a term starting with “Info”.

Parsed query : summary:info*
193 results

Top 10 results:

id title score
222 Coding Isomorphisms 1.0
272 A Storage Allocation Scheme for ALGOL 60 1.0
396 Automation of Program Debugging 1.0
397 A Card Format for Reference Files in Information Processing 1.0
409 CL-1, An Environment for a Compiler 1.0
440 Record Linkage 1.0
483 On the Nonexistence of a Phrase Structure Grammar for ALGOL 60 1.0
616 An Information Algebra - Phase I Report-LanguageStructure Group of the CODASYL Development Committee 1.0
644 A String Language for Symbol Manipulation Based on ALGOL 60 1.0
655 COMIT as an IR Language 1.0
  1. Searching for publications containing the term “Information” close to “Retrieval” (max distance 5).

Parsed query : summary:"inform retriev"~5
15 results

Top 10 results:

id title score
1935 Randomized Binary Search Technique 1.529259
891 Everyman's Information Retrieval System 1.4450139
1457 Data Manipulation and Programming Problemsin Automatic Information Retrieval 1.4450139
1699 Experimental Evaluation of InformationRetrieval Through a Teletypewriter 1.2743825
2519 On the Problem of Communicating Complex Information 1.1527222
2307 Dynamic Document Processing 1.135644
2516 Hierarchical Storage in Information Retrieval 0.9871324
2795 Sentence Paraphrasing from a Conceptual Base 0.9011245
2990 Effective Information Retrieval Using Term Accuracy 0.87709016
2451 Design of Tree Structures for Efficient Querying 0.81509775


  1. Compare the query "compiler program" with the ClassicSimilarity and MySimilarity

With the ClassicSimilarity :

578 results Top 10 results:

id title score
3189 An Algebraic Compiler for the FORTRAN Assembly Program 1.4853004
1215 Some Techniques Used in the ALCOR ILLINOIS 7090 1.40438
1183 A Note on the Use of a Digital Computerfor Doing Tedious Algebra and Programming 1.3361712
1459 Requirements for Real-Time Languages 1.3162413
718 An Experiment in Automatic Verification of Programs 1.3136772
1122 A Note on Some Compiling Algorithms 1.3136772
1465 Program Translation Viewed as a General Data Processing Problem 1.2863079
2652 Reduction of Compilation Costs Through Language Contraction 1.2732332
1988 A Formalism for Translator Interactions 1.2580339
46 Multiprogramming STRETCH: Feasibility Considerations 1.2391106

With the MySimilarity :

578 results Top 10 results:

id title score
2923 High-Level Data Flow Analysis 5.7265415
2534 Design and Implementation of a Diagnostic Compiler for PL/I 5.622605
637 A NELIAC-Generated 7090-1401 Compiler 5.411427
1647 WATFOR-The University of Waterloo FORTRAN IV Compiler 5.399087
2652 Reduction of Compilation Costs Through Language Contraction 4.967098
3080 Proving the Correctness of Heuristically Optimized Code 4.803714
1135 A General Business-Oriented Language Based on Decision Expressions* 4.7554483
1237 Conversion of Decision Tables To Computer Programs 4.7554483
1459 Requirements for Real-Time Languages 4.7554483
2944 Shifting Garbage Collection Overhead to Compile Time 4.7554483

We can see that the results are very different. However, the publications 2652 and 1459 are in the top 10 with both Similarities. That shows that even if the parameters are different, the same kind of publications are found.

We can observe that on the top-rated publication with the ClassicSimilarity (3189), "program" is found 2 times and "compil" 4 times in the summary. For a total of 389 chars, this is a ratio of 6/389 = 0.0154.
On the other hand, on the top-rated publication with the MySimilarity (2923), "program" is found 5 times and "compil" 3 times in the summary. For a total of 940 chars, this is a ratio of 8/940 = 0.00851. The ratio is higher with ClassicSimilarity, but the total number of occurences of the searched terms is higher with MySimilarity.

Code written

    public float tf(float freq) {
        return (float) (1 + Math.log10(freq));

    public float idf(long docFreq, long docCount) {
        return (float) (Math.log10(docCount / (docFreq + 1.0)) + 1);

    public float lengthNorm(int numTerms) {
        return 1;