
Eclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


Repository for colaboration in the semanticHomeMenu project

Vision / About

The idea is to have a UI for openHAB4 that dynamically configures itself automatically using the data of the openHAB semantic model.

It is also possible to use the specialized widgets standalone or to extend the project with further widgets your own, some inspiration will be given later.



An openHAB 4 specific version became necessary because we identified some strong performance issues in "main_widget" due to the heavy usage of the oh-repeater component, which is used to gather all semantic information needed to reduce configuration commplexity.

Concept idea

This main UI widget is based on a proper configuration of the openHAB semantic model. The project aims to show all information automatically - if found in the model - mostly without additional configuration by the user.

To help getting more information about an item we make use of an extention of the semantic model via the uiSemantics.

The Menu is split into a Top Navigation Bar,



the Body showing multiple specialized widgets (which are shown if the model contains the needed data) and the the Bottom Navigation Bar.


Bottom Navigation Bar with Scenes selected


The red indicator badges are shown if there is any alarm, whether security or low battery. Usage and setup will be explained in the security and energy widget documentation.

  • [Security widget]
    • including the [Keypad widget]



  • [Scenes widget]


  • [Lights widget]




  • [Rollershutter widget]





For complete usage of this project, you need to create some groups (equiments) in your semantic model, see the following example for textual item import (change to your individual needs)

Group                         gHome                                         "Home"                                                                                                       ["Building"]
Group                         gIndoor                                       "Building"                       <house>               (gHome)                                               ["Indoor"]
Group                         gOutdoor                                      "Outdoor"                        <garden>              (gHome)                                               ["Outdoor"]
Group                         gAttic                                        "Attic"                          <attic>               (gIndoor)                                             ["Attic"]                          {widgetOrder="11"}
Group                         gCorridorAttic                                "Corridor Attic"                 <corridor>            (gAttic)                                              ["Corridor"]                       {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Corridor", location="Attic"],widgetOrder="12"}
Group                         gOffice                                       "Office"                         <office>              (gAttic)                                              ["Room"]                           {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Office", location="Attic"],widgetOrder="13"}
Group                         gGuestroom                                    "Guestroom"                      <bedroom>             (gAttic)                                              ["Bedroom"]                        {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Guestroom", location="Attic"],widgetOrder="14"}
Group                         gFirstFloor                                   "First Floor"                    <firstfloor>          (gIndoor)                                             ["FirstFloor"]                     {widgetOrder="21"}
Group                         gCorridorFirstfloor                           "Corridor FF"                    <corridor>            (gFirstFloor)                                         ["Corridor"]                       {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Corridor", location="First Floor"],widgetOrder="22"}
Group                         gChildroom                                    "Childroom"                      <boy_1>               (gFirstFloor)                                         ["Bedroom"]                        {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Childroom", location="First Floor"],widgetOrder="23"}
Group                         gBathroom                                     "Bathroom"                       <bath>                (gFirstFloor)                                         ["Bathroom"]                       {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Bathroom", location="First Floor"],widgetOrder="24"}
Group                         gBedroom                                      "Bedroom"                        <bedroom>             (gFirstFloor)                                         ["Bedroom"]                        {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Bedroom", location="First Floor"],widgetOrder="25"}
Group                         gGroundFloor                                  "Ground Floor"                   <groundfloor>         (gIndoor)                                             ["GroundFloor"]                    {widgetOrder="31"}
Group                         gEntrance                                     "Corridor GF"                    <corridor>            (gGroundFloor)                                        ["Corridor"]                       {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Corridor", location="Ground Floor"],widgetOrder="32"}
Group                         gToilet                                       "Toilet"                         <toilet>              (gGroundFloor)                                        ["Bathroom"]                       {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Toilet", location="Ground Floor"],widgetOrder="33"}
Group                         gKitchen                                      "Kitchen"                        <kitchen>             (gGroundFloor)                                        ["Kitchen"]                        {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Kitchen", location="Ground Floor"],widgetOrder="34"}
Group                         gDiningroom                                   "Diningroom"                                           (gGroundFloor)                                        ["DiningRoom"]                     {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Dininroom", location="Ground Floor"],widgetOrder="35"}
Group                         gLivingroom                                   "Livingroom"                     <sofa>                (gGroundFloor)                                        ["LivingRoom"]                     {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Livingroom", location="Ground Floor"],widgetOrder="36"}
Group                         gBasement                                     "Basement"                       <cellar>              (gIndoor)                                             ["Basement"]                       {widgetOrder="41"}
Group                         gCorridorCellar                               "Corridor Basement"              <corridor>            (gBasement)                                           ["Corridor"]                       {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Corridor", location="Basement"],widgetOrder="42"}
Group                         gLaundry                                      "Laundryroom"                    <washingmachine>      (gBasement)                                           ["LaundryRoom"]                    {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Laundryroom", location="Basement"],widgetOrder="43"}
Group                         gBoilerRoom                                   "Boilerroom"                     <heating>             (gBasement)                                           ["BoilerRoom"]                     {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Boilerroom", location="Basement"],widgetOrder="44"}
Group                         gHobbyroom                                    "Hobbyroom"                                            (gBasement)                                           ["Room"]                           {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Hobbyroom", location="Basement"],widgetOrder="45"}
Group                         gGarden                                       "Garden"                         <garden>              (gOutdoor)                                            ["Garden"]                         {widgetOrder="51"}
Group                         gShed                                         "Shed"                           <garden>              (gOutdoor)                                            ["Location"]                       {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Shed", location="Garden"],widgetOrder="52"}
Group                         gTerrace                                      "Terrace"                        <terrace>             (gOutdoor)                                            ["Room"]                           {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Terrace", location="Garden"],widgetOrder="53"}
Group:Number:COUNT(ON)        gSmokeAlarm                                   "Smokealarm"                     <smoke>
Group:Number:COUNT(ON)        gBatteryLow                                   "Empty Batteries"                <lowbattery>
Group:Number:COUNT(OPEN)      gWindowsOpen                                  "Windows Open"                                         
Group:Number:COUNT(OPEN)      gDoorsOpen                                    "Doors Open"                                           
Group:Number:COUNT(ON)        gMotionDetected                               "Motion Detected"                                      

These items will create the general structure shown in the top navigation menu and will also create the red notification badges in the bottom navigation bar.


Please check [openHAB community]for discussions and proposals.


Thanks to

  • @Dimitris for creating the design specs
  • @Nic02 for creating the widgets
  • @JustinG for his excellent support when we strugled with design and functionality
  • @NicoR for his style and code optimizations

and anyone else I have forgotten

