
Javadoc to XML

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

A doclet to output javadoc as XML

This library provides a doclet to output the javadoc comments from Java source code to a XML document.

The name, some ideas and most unit tests were shamelessly stolen from the xml-doclet library by Seth Call.


If you are using maven you can use this library by adding the following report to your pom.xml:

							<additionalparam>-d ${project.build.directory} -filename ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-javadoc.xml</additionalparam>

Use 'mvn package' with maven. If you are not using maven, you can use the jar-with-dependencies, which contains all required libraries.

javadoc -doclet com.github.markusbernhardt.xmldoclet.XmlDoclet \
-docletpath xml-doclet-1.0.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
[Javadoc- and XmlDoclet-Options]

A Makefile target to generate xml from both the production and test code:

mkdir -p target/production target/test
CLASSPATH=$$(echo $$(find ~/.m2/repository/ -name '*.jar'|grep -v jdk14 )|sed 's/ /:/g')\
 javadoc -doclet com.github.markusbernhardt.xmldoclet.XmlDoclet -sourcepath src/main/java -d target/production org.rulez.demokracia.PDEngine
CLASSPATH=$$(echo $$(find ~/.m2/repository/ -name '*.jar'|grep -v jdk14 )|sed 's/ /:/g')\
 javadoc -doclet com.github.markusbernhardt.xmldoclet.XmlDoclet -sourcepath src/test/java -d target/test org.rulez.demokracia.PDEngine

If you want more control and feel adventurous you could you use this jar and provide all required libraries from this list on your own.


-d <directory>            Destination directory for output file.
                          Default: .
-docencoding <encoding>   Encoding of the output file.
                          Default: UTF8
-dryrun                   Parse javadoc, but don't write output file.
                          Default: false
-filename <filename>      Name of the output file.
                          Default: javadoc.xml