
Individual technical challenges

Goals for the week

Ask yourself the same two questions:

  • Are you having fun?
  • Are you a better developer than you were yesterday?

Primary goal

By the end of the week, the goal is to be able to answer "yes" to the week's primary question:

  • Can you solve a challenging technical problem by writing well crafted code?

By "well crafted code", we mean code that is well tested, easy to read and easy to change.

Secondary goals

By the end of the week, you should:

  • Feel more confident in your ability to complete a tech test.
  • Have developed a structured process to approaching complex problems, utilising TDD and good OO design skills.

Structure of the week

This week, you'll work solo to complete different technical challenges. A self assessment form will help you reflect on the quality of your code, and coaches will review your code once you believe you have achieved professional quality.

This week, you'll also come up with ideas for final projects.


This week is especially good for focusing on the question, "am I a better developer than I was yesterday?"

There are up to three tech tests this week. This means you can start from scratch three times. It means you can reflect on what was good and what was bad three times. And it means you can try new things to improve three times.

Code reviews from your coach

Your coach will tell you how to request code reviews.


You can use Ruby or JavaScript for any of the challenges.


Enjoy these challenges - they are either adapted or directly copied from actual tech tests that employers send out. You will find other tech tests in this folder that you can attempt over the weekend or after graduation.

