This app is aimed at fixing a small problem that few pet owners who want to breed their pets know. The hassle of finding someone to breed your pet that is from a specific breed during a the period of your pet's heat.
The app aims to fix this by providing a space for other pet breeders to add in their pets as a solution to find other breeders who also need/want to breed their pet.
This Rails Web-App was developed by @G-Souza-99, @louro-ines, @catiafalagueira and as part of a sprint in which we had to develop an app from start to finish. It was generated using the lewagon templates during our time in the Le Wagon coding bootcamp
The initial idea was based as a tinder for pets but after scoping out what happend to previous attempts of such ideas we decided to take a diffrent approach but with the same general idea.
All three of us had a major impact in developing but these were the roles we often filled:
Lead Frontend: Gabriel Souza
Lead Backend: Ines Louro
Lead UI, UX, Designer: Catia Falagueira
© 2021 Gabriel Souza. All rights reserved.