
Functional, stream-based CSV processor for Scala

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spata is a functional tabular data (CSV) processor for Scala. The library is backed by FS2 - Functional Streams for Scala.

Work in progress.

spata is being ported to Scala 3. Due to its past dependency on shapeless 2 and thus Scala 2 macros, this version introduced significant API changes. spata 3 supports Scala 3 only. Scala 2 support is still available in spata 2.

The main goal of the library is to provide handy, functional, stream-based API with easy conversion between records and case classes, completed with precise information about possible flaws and their location in source data for parsing while maintaining good performance. Providing the location of the cause of a parsing error has been the main motivation to develop the library. It is typically not that hard to parse a well-formatted CSV file, but it could be a nightmare to locate the source of a problem in case of any distortions in a large data file.

The source (while parsing) and destination (while rendering) data format is assumed to conform basically to RFC 4180, but allows some variations - see CSVConfig for details.

Getting started

spata 3 is available for Scala 3.x and requires at least Java 11.

To use spata you have to add this single dependency to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "info.fingo" %% "spata" % "<version>"

The latest version may be found on the badge above.

Link to the current API version is available through the badge as well.

Basic usage

The whole parsing process in a simple case may look like this:

import scala.io.Source
import cats.syntax.traverse.given // to get list.sequence
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global  // default IORuntime
import fs2.Stream
import info.fingo.spata.CSVParser
import info.fingo.spata.io.Reader

case class Data(item: String, value: Double)
val records = Stream
  // get stream of CSV records while ensuring source cleanup
  .bracket(IO { Source.fromFile("input.csv") })(source => IO { source.close() })
  .through(Reader[IO].by) // produce stream of chars from source
  .through(CSVParser[IO].parse)  // parse CSV file with default configuration and get CSV records 
  .filter(_.get[Double]("value").exists(_ > 1000))  // do some operations using Record and Stream API
  .map(_.to[Data]) // convert records to case class
  .handleErrorWith(ex => Stream.emit(Left(ex))) // convert global (I/O, CSV structure) errors to Either
val list = records.compile.toList.unsafeRunSync() // run everything while converting result to list
val result = list.sequence  // convert List[Either[Throwable,Data]] to Either[Throwable,List[Data]]

Another example may be taken from FS2 readme, assuming that the data is stored and written back in CSV format with two fields, date and temp:

import java.nio.file.Paths
import scala.io.Codec
import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import fs2.Stream
import info.fingo.spata.{CSVParser, CSVRenderer}
import info.fingo.spata.io.{Reader, Writer}

object Converter extends IOApp.Simple:

  val converter: Stream[IO, Unit] =
    given codec: Codec = Codec.UTF8
    def fahrenheitToCelsius(f: Double): Double = (f - 32.0) * (5.0 / 9.0)

      .filter(r => r("temp").exists(!_.isBlank))

  def run: IO[Unit] = converter.compile.drain

Modified versions of this sample may be found in error handling and schema validation parts of the tutorial.

More examples of how to use the library may be found in src/test/scala/info/fingo/sample/spata.



Core spata operation is a transformation from a stream of characters into a stream of Records. This is available through CSVParser.parse method (supplying FS2 Pipe) and is probably the best way to include CSV parsing into any FS2 stream processing pipeline:

val input: Stream[IO, Char] = ???
val parser: CSVParser[IO] = CSVParser[IO]
val output: Stream[IO, Record] = input.through(parser.parse)

In accordance with FS2, spata is polymorphic in the effect type and may be used with different effect implementations (Cats Effect IO or ZIO, especially with support for ZIO-CE interop; interoperability with Monix is not possible yet, but this may change in the future). Please note, however, that Cats Effect IO is the only effect implementation used for testing and documentation purposes.

Type class dependencies are defined in terms of the Cats Effect class hierarchy. To support effect suspension, spata requires in general cats.effect.Sync type class implementation for its effect type. Some methods need enhanced type classes to support asynchronous or concurrent computation. Some are satisfied with more general effects.

Like in the case of any other FS2 processing, spata consumes only as much of the source stream as required, give or take a chunk size.

Field and record delimiters are required to be single characters. There are however no other assumptions about them - particularly the record delimiter does not have to be a line break and spata does not assume line break presence in the source data - it does not read the data by lines.

If newline (LF, \n, 0x0A) is used as the record delimiter, carriage return character (CR, \r, 0x0D) is automatically skipped if not escaped, to support CRLF line breaks.

Fields containing delimiters (field or record) or quotes have to be wrapped in quotation marks. As defined in RFC 4180, quotation marks in the content have to be escaped through double quotation marks.

By default, in accordance with the standard, whitespace characters are considered part of the field and are not ignored. Nonetheless, it is possible to turn on trimming of leading and trailing whitespaces with a configuration option. This differs from stripping whitespaces from resulting field content because it distinguishes between quoted and unquoted spaces. For example, having the following input:

xxx," yyy ",zzz
xxx, yyy ,zzz

without trimming the content of Y field will be " yyy " for both records. With trimming on, we get " yyy " for the first record and "yyy" for the second.

Please also note, that the following content:

xxx, " yyy " ,zzz

is correct with trimming on (and produces " yyy " for field Y), but will cause an error without it, as spaces are considered regular characters in this case and quote has to be put around the whole field.

Not all invisible characters (notably non-breaking space, '\u00A0') are whitespaces. See Java's Char.isWhitespace for details.

In addition to the parse, CSVParser provides other methods to read CSV data:

  • get, to load data into List[Record], which may be handy for small data sets,
  • process, to deal with data record by record through a callback function, synchronously,
  • async, to process data through a callback function in an asynchronous way.

The three above functions return the result (List or Unit) wrapped in an effect and require call to one of the "at the end of the world" methods (unsafeRunSync or unsafeRunAsync for cats.effect.IO) to trigger computation.

val stream: Stream[IO, Char] = ???
val parser: CSVParser[IO] = CSVParser[IO]
val list: List[Record] = parser.get(stream).unsafeRunSync()

Alternatively, instead of calling an unsafe function, the whole processing may run through IOApp.

If we have to work with a stream of Strings (e.g. from FS2 text.utf8.decode), we may convert it to a stream of characters:

val ss: Stream[IO, String] = ???
val sc: Stream[IO, Char] = ss.map(s => Chunk.charBuffer(CharBuffer.wrap(s))).flatMap(Stream.chunk)

See Reading and writing data for helper methods to get a stream of characters from various sources.


Complementary to parsing, spata offers CSV rendering feature - it allows conversion from a stream of Records to a stream of characters. This is available through CSVRenderer.render method (supplying FS2 Pipe):

val input: Stream[IO, Record] = ???
val renderer: CSVRenderer[IO] = CSVRenderer[IO]
val output: Stream[IO, Char] = input.through(renderer.render)

As with parsing, rendering is polymorphic in the effect type and may be used with different effect implementations. The renderer has weaker demands for its effect type than parser and requires only the MonadError type class implementation.

The render method may encode only a subset of fields in a record. This is controlled by the header parameter, being optionally passed to the method:

val input: Stream[IO, Record] = ???
val header: Header = ???
val renderer: CSVRenderer[IO] = CSVRenderer[IO]
val output: Stream[IO, Char] = input.through(renderer.render(header))

The provided header is used to select fields and does not cause adding header row to output. This is controlled by CSVConfig.hasHeader parameter and may be induced even for render method without header argument.

If no explicit header is passed to render, it is extracted from the first record in the input stream.

The main advantage of using CSVRenderer over makeString and intersperse methods is its ability to properly escape special characters (delimiters and quotation marks) in source data. The escape policy is set through configuration and by default, the fields are quoted only when required.

Like parser, renderer supports any single-character field as record delimiters. As result, the render method does not allow separating records with CRLF. If this is required, the rows method has to be used:

val input: Stream[IO, Record] = ???
val output: Stream[IO, String] = input.through(CSVRenderer[IO].rows).intersperse("\r\n")

The above stream of strings may be converted to a stream of characters as presented in the rendering part.

Unlike render, the rows method outputs all fields from each record and never outputs the header row.

See Reading and writing data for helper methods to transmit a stream of characters to various destinations.


CSVParser and CSVRenderer are configured through CSVConfig, which is a parameter to their constructors. It may be provided through a builder-like method, which takes the defaults and allows altering selected parameters:

val parser = CSVParser.config.fieldDelimiter(';').noHeader.parser[IO]
val renderer = CSVRenderer.config.fieldDelimiter(';').noHeader.renderer[IO]

Individual configuration parameters are described in CSVConfig's Scaladoc.

A specific setting is the header mapping, available through CSVConfig.mapHeader. It allows replacing original header values with more convenient ones or even defining header if no one is present. When set for the parser, the new values are then used in all operations referencing individual fields, including automatic conversion to case classes or tuples. The mapping may be defined only for a subset of fields, leaving the rest in their original form.

date,max temparature,min temparature
val stream: Stream[IO, Char] = ???
val parser: CSVParser[IO] =
  CSVParser.config.mapHeader(Map("max temparature" -> "tempMax", "min temparature" -> "tempMin")).parser[IO]
val frosty: Stream[IO, Record] = stream.through(parser.parse).filter(_.get[Double]("minTemp").exists(_ < 0))

It may also be defined for more fields than there are present in any particular data source, which allows using a single parser for multiple datasets with different headers.

There is also index-based header mapping available. It may be used not only to define or redefine header but to remove duplicates as well:

val stream: Stream[IO, Char] = ???
val parser: CSVParser[IO] =
  CSVParser.config.mapHeader(Map(1 -> "tempMax", 2 -> "tempMin")).parser[IO]
val frosty: Stream[IO, Record] = stream.through(parser.parse).filter(_.get[Double]("minTemp").exists(_ < 0))

Header mapping may be used for renderer too, to output different header values from those used by Record or case class:

val stream: Stream[IO, Record] = ???
val renderer: CSVRenderer[IO] =
  CSVRenderer.config.mapHeader(Map("tempMax" -> "max temparature", "tempMin" -> "min temparature")).renderer[IO]
val frosty: Stream[IO, Char] = stream.filter(_.get[Double]("minTemp").exists(_ < 0)).through(renderer.render)

FS2 takes care of limiting the amount of processed data and consumed memory to the required level. This works well to restrict the number of records, nevertheless, each record has to be fully loaded into memory, no matter how large it is. This is not a problem if everything goes well - individual records are typically not that large. A record can, however, grow uncontrollably in case of incorrect configuration (e.g. wrong record delimiter) or malformed structure (e.g. unclosed quotation). To prevent OutOfMemoryError in such situations, spata can be configured to limit the maximum size of a single field using fieldSizeLimit. If this limit is exceeded during parsing, the processing stops with an error. By default, no limit is specified.

Reading and writing data

As mentioned earlier, CSVParser requires a stream of characters as its input. To simplify working with common data sources, like files or sockets, spata provides a few convenience methods, available through its io.Reader object.

Similarly, io.Writer simplifies the process of writing a stream of characters produced by CSVRenderer to an external destination.

There are two groups of the read and write methods in Reader and Writer:

  • basic ones, accessible through Reader.plain and Writer.plain, where reading and writing is done synchronously on the current thread,

  • with support for thread shifting, accessible through Reader.shifting and Writer.shifting.

It is recommended to use the thread shifting version, especially for long reading or writing operations, for better thread pool utilization. See Cats Effect schedulers description for thread pools configuration. More information about threading may be found in Cats Effect thread model.

The simplest way to read data from and write to a file is:

val stream: Stream[IO, Char] = Reader.plain[IO].read(Path.of("data.csv"))
// do some processing on stream
val eff: Stream[IO, Unit] = stream.through(Writer.plain[IO].write(Path.of("data.csv")))

or even:

val stream: Stream[IO, Char] = Reader[IO].read(Path.of("data.csv")) // Reader.apply is an alias for Reader.plain
// do some processing on stream
val eff: Stream[IO, Unit] = stream.through(Writer[IO].write(Path.of("data.csv"))) // Writer.apply is an alias for Writer.plain

The thread shifting reader and writer provide similar methods:

val stream: Stream[IO, Char] = Reader.shifting[IO].read(Path.of("data.csv"))
val eff: Stream[IO, Unit] = stream.through(Writer.shifting[IO].write(Path.of("data.csv")))

Cats Effect 3 provides the thread shifting facility out of the box through Async.blocking, using the built-in internal blocking thread pool.

All read operations load data in chunks for better performance. Chunk size may be supplied while creating a reader:

val stream: Stream[IO, Char] = Reader.plain[IO](1024).read(Path.of("data.csv"))

If not provided explicitly, a default chunk size will be used.

Except for Source, which is already character-based, other data sources and all data destinations require given instance of Codec to convert bytes into characters:

given codec: Codec = Codec.UTF8

The caller to a read or a write method which takes a resource as a parameter (Source, InputStream or OutputStream) is responsible for its cleanup. This may be achieved through FS2 Stream.bracket:

val stream: Stream[IO, Unit] = for
  source <- Stream.bracket(IO { Source.fromFile("data.csv") })(source => IO { source.close() })
  destination <- Stream.bracket(IO { new FileOutputStream("data.csv") })(fos => IO { fos.close() })
  out <- Reader.shifting[IO].read(source)
    // do some processing
yield out

Other methods of resource acquisition and releasing are described in Cats Effect tutorial.

Unlike the Reader.read method, which creates a new stream, Writer.write operates on an existing stream. Being often the last operation in the stream pipeline, it has to allow access to the final stream, being a handle to run the entire processing. This is why write returns a Pipe, converting a stream of characters to a unit stream.

There is a by method in Reader, which returns a Pipe too. It converts a single-element stream containing data source into a stream of characters:

val stream: Stream[IO, Char] = Stream
  .bracket(IO { Source.fromFile("data.csv") })(source => IO { source.close() })

Getting actual data

Sole CSV parsing operation produces a stream of Records. Each record may be seen as a map from String to String, where the keys, forming a header, are shared among all records. The basic method to obtain individual values is through the call to apply, by key (taken from the header):

val record: Record = ???
val value: Option[String] = record("some key")

or index:

val record: Record = ???
val value: Option[String] = record(0)

CSV Record supports retrieval of typed values. In simple cases, when the value is serialized in its canonical form, like ISO format for dates, which does not require any additional format information, or the formatting is fixed for all data, this may be done with single-parameter get function:

val record: Record = ???
val num: Decoded[Double] = record.get[Double]("123.45")

Decoded[A] is an alias for Either[ContentError, A]. This method requires a text.StringParser[A], which is described in Text parsing.

get has overloaded versions, which support formatting-aware parsing:

val record: Record = ???
val df = new DecimalFormat("#,###")
val num: Decoded[Double] = record.get[Double]("123,45", df)

This method requires a text.FormattedStringParser[A, B], which is also described in Text parsing. (It uses an intermediary class Field to provide a nice syntax, but this should be transparent in most cases).

Above methods are available also in unsafe, exception-throwing version, accessible through Record.unsafe object:

val record: Record = ???
val v1: String = record.unsafe("key")
val v2: String = record.unsafe(0)
val n1: Double = record.unsafe.get[Double]("123.45")
val df = new DecimalFormat("#,###")
val n2: Double = record.unsafe.get[Double]("123,45", df)

They may throw ContentError exception.

In addition to retrieval of single fields, a Record may be converted to a case class or a tuple. Assuming a CSV data in the following form:


the data can be converted from a record directly into a case class:

val record: Record = ???
case class Element(symbol: String, melting: Double, boiling: Double)
val element: Decoded[Element] = record.to[Element]

Notice that not all source fields have to be used for conversion. The conversion is name-based - header keys have to match case class field names exactly, including their case. We can use header mapping, described in Configuration, if they do not match.

For tuples, the header has to match traditional tuple field names (_1, _2, etc.) and is automatically generated in this form for source data without a header:

val record: Record = ???
type Element = (String, String, Double, Double)
val element: Decoded[Element] = record.to[Element]

Notice that in this case the first column has been included in the conversion to ensure header and tuple field matching.

Both forms of conversion require given instance of StringParser. Parsers for common types and their default formats are provided through StringParser object and are automatically brought in scope. Because it is not possible to explicitly provide custom formatter while converting a record into a case class, a given StringParser instance has to be defined in case of specific formats or types:

val record: Record = ???
case class Element(symbol: String, melting: Double, boiling: Double)
val nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("pl", "PL"))
given StringParser[Double] = (str: String) => nf.parse(str).doubleValue()
val element: Decoded[Element] = record.to[Element]

Creating and modifying records

A Record is not only the result of parsing, it is also the source for CSV rendering. To let the renderer do its work, we need to convert the data to records first. As mentioned above, a Record is essentially a map from String (key) to String (value). The keys form a header, which is, when only possible, shared among records. This sharing is always in effect for records parsed by spata but requires some attention when records are created by application code, especially when performance and memory usage matter.

Creating records

The basic way to create a record is to pass values as variable arguments:

val header = Header("symbol", "melting", "boiling")
val record = Record("H","13.99","20.271")(header)
val value = record("melting")  // returns Some("13.99")

The header length is expected to match the number of values (arguments). If it does not, it is reduced (the last keys are omitted) or extended (tuple-style keys are added).

It is possible to create a record without providing a header and rely on the header that is implicitly generated:

val record = Record.fromValues("H","13.99","20.271")
val header = record.header  // returns Header("_1", "_2", "_3")
val value = record("_2")  // returns Some("13.99")

Because the record's header may be needless in some scenarios (e.g. while using the index-based CSVRenderer.rows method), its implicit creation is lazy - it is postponed until the header is accessed. If the header is created, each record gets its own copy.

A similar option provides record creation from key-value pairs:

val record = Record.fromPairs("symbol" -> "H", "melting" -> "13.99", "boiling" -> "20.271")
val value = record("melting")  // returns Some("13.99")

This method creates a header per record and it should not be used with large data sets.

All three above methods require record values to be already converted to strings. However, what we often need, is to create a record from typed data, with proper formatting / locale. There are two methods to achieve that.

The first one is to employ a record builder, which allows adding typed values to the record one by one:

val record = Record.builder.add("symbol", "H").add("melting", 13.99).add("boiling", 20.271).get
val value = record("melting")  // returns Some("13.99")

To convert a typed value to a string, this method requires a given StringRenderer[A] instance, which is described in Text rendering. Similarly to StringParser, renderers for basic types and formats are provided out of the box and specific ones may be implemented:

val nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("pl", "PL"))
given StringRenderer[Double] = (v: Double) => nf.format(v)
val record = Record.builder.add("symbol", "H").add("melting", 13.99).add("boiling", 20.271).get
val value = record("melting")  // returns Some("13,99")

The second method allows direct conversion of cases classes or tuples to records:

case class Element(symbol: String, melting: Double, boiling: Double)
val element = Element("H", 13.99, 20.271)
val record = Record.from(element)
val value = record("melting")  // returns Some("13.99")

This approach relies on StringRenderer for data formatting as well. It may be used even more comfortably by calling a method directly on case class:

import info.fingo.spata.Record.ProductOps
val nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("pl", "PL"))
given StringRenderer[Double] = (v: Double) => nf.format(v)
case class Element(symbol: String, melting: Double, boiling: Double)
val element = Element("H", 13.99, 20.271)
val record = element.toRecord
val value = record("melting")  // returns Some("13,99")

A disadvantage of both above methods operating on typed values is header creation for each record. They may be not the optimal choice for large data sets when performance matters.

Modifying records

Sometimes only a few fields of the original record have to be modified and the rest remains intact. In such situations, it may be much more convenient to modify a record instead of creating a new one from scratch, especially for large records. Because Record is immutable, modifying means creation of a copy of the record with selected fields set to new values.

The simplest way is to provide a new string value for a record field, referenced by key or index:

val record: Record = ???
val modified: Record = record.updated(0, "new value").updated("key", "another value")

It is also possible to access existing value while updating record:

val record: Record = ???
val modified: Record = record.updatedWith(0)(v => v.toUpperCase).updatedWith("key")(v => v.toUpperCase)

Record provides a method to modify typed values too:

val record: Record = ???
val altered: Either[ContentError, Record] = record.altered("int value")((i: Int) => i % 2 == 0)

or in extended form:

val dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yy")
given StringParser[LocalDate] = (str: String) => LocalDate.parse(str, dateFormat)
given StringRenderer[LocalDate] = (ld: LocalDate) => dateFormat.format(ld)
val record: Record = ???
val altered: Either[ContentError, Record] = for
  r1 <- record.altered("field 1")((d: Double) => d.abs)
  r2 <- r1.altered("field 2")((ld: LocalDate) => ld.plusDays(1))
yield r2

Please note, however, that this method may produce an error because the source values have to be parsed before being passed to the updating function. To support value parsing and rendering, given instances of StringParser[A] and StringRenderer[B] have to be provided for specific data formats.

All the above methods preserve record structure and keep existing record header. It is also possible to modify the structure, if necessary:

val record: Record = ???
val modified: Record = record.patch.remove("field 1").add("field 10", 3.14).get

Record.patch employs RecordBuilder to enhance or reduce record. See Creating records above for more information.

Text parsing and rendering

CSV data is parsed as Strings. We often need typed values, e.g. numbers or dates, for further processing. There is no standard, uniform interface available for Scala or Java to parse strings to different types. Numbers may be parsed using java.text.NumberFormat. Dates and times through parse methods in java.time.LocalDate or LocalTime, taking format as an argument. This is awkward when providing a single interface for various types as Record does. This is the place where spata's text.StringParser comes in handy.

The situation is similar when typed values have to be converted to strings to create CSV data. Although there is a toString method available for each value, it is often insufficient, because specific format of dates, numbers, and other values may be required. Again, there is no single interface for encoding different types into strings. spata provides text.StringRenderer to help with this.

Similar solutions in other libraries are often called Decoder and Encoder in place of Parser and Renderer.

Parsing text

StringParser object provides methods for parsing strings with default or implicitly provided format:

val num: ParseResult[Double] = StringParser.parse[Double]("123.45")

where ParseResult[A] is just an alias for Either[ParseError, A].

When a specific format has to be provided, an overloaded version of the above method is available:

val df = new DecimalFormat("#,###")
val num: ParseResult[Double] = StringParser.parse[Double]("123,45", df)

(It uses intermediary class Pattern to provide nice syntax, this should be however transparent in most cases).

These functions require given StringParser or FormattedStringParser instance respectively. Given instances for a few basic types are already available - see Scaladoc for StringParser. When additional parsers are required, they may be easily provided by implementing StringParser or FormattedStringParser traits.

Let's take java.sql.Date as an example. Having implemented StringParser[Date]:

given sdf: StringParser[Date] = (s: String) => Date.valueOf(s)

we can use it as follows:

val date = StringParser.parse[Date]("2020-02-02")

Defining a parser with support for custom formatting requires the implementation of FormattedStringParser:

given sdf: FormattedStringParser[Date, DateFormat] with
  def apply(str: String): Date = Date.valueOf(str.strip)
  def apply(str: String, fmt: DateFormat): Date =  new Date(fmt.parse(str.strip).getTime)

and can be used as follows:

val df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, new Locale("pl", "PL"))
val date = StringParser.parse[Date]("02.02.2020", df)

Please note that this sample implementation accepts partial string parsing, e.g. "02.02.2020xyz" will successfully parse to 2020-02-02. This is different from the built-in parsing behavior for LocalDate, where the entire string has to conform to the format.

Parsing implementations are expected to throw specific runtime exceptions when parsing fails. This is converted to ParseError in StringParser object's parse method while keeping the original exception in the cause field.

Although this design decision might be seen as questionable, as returning Either instead of throwing an exception could be a better choice, it is made deliberately - all available Java parsing methods throw an exception, so it is more convenient to use them directly while implementing StringParser traits, leaving all exception handling in a single place, i.e. the StringParser.parse method.

Rendering text

Rendering is symmetrical with parsing. StringRenderer object provides methods for rendering strings with default or implicitly provided format:

val str: String = StringRenderer.render(123.45)

When a specific format has to be provided, an overloaded version of the above method is available:

val df = new DecimalFormat("#,###")
val str: String = StringRenderer.render(123.45, df)

These functions require given StringRenderer or FormattedStringRenderer instance respectively. Given instances for a few basic types are already available - see Scaladoc for StringRenderer. When additional renderers are required, they may be easily provided by implementing StringRenderer or FormattedStringRenderer traits.

Let's take again java.sql.Date as an example. Having implemented StringRenderer[Date]:

given sdf: StringRenderer[Date] = (d: Date) => if(d == null) "" else d.toString

we can use it as follows:

val date = Date.valueOf(LocalDate.now)
val str = StringRenderer.render(date)

Defining a renderer with support for custom formatting requires the implementation of FormattedStringRenderer:

given sdf: FormattedStringRenderer[Date, DateFormat] with
  def apply(date: Date): String = date.toString
  def apply(date: Date, fmt: DateFormat): String = fmt.format(date)

and can be used as follows:

val df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, new Locale("pl", "PL"))
val date = Date.valueOf(LocalDate.now)
val str = StringRenderer.render(date, df)

Schema validation

Successful CSV parsing means that the underlying source has the correct format (taking into account parser configuration). Nonetheless, the obtained records may have any content - being a collection of strings they are very permissive. We often require strict data content and format to be able to use it in accordance with our business logic. Therefore spata supports basic fields' format definition and validation.

CSV schema can be defined using schema.CSVSchema:

val schema = CSVSchema()

Schema is basically specified by the names of expected CSV fields and their data types.

We do not need to include every field from the CSV source in the schema definition. It is enough to do it only for those fields we are interested in.

Schema is validated as part of a regular stream processing pipeline:

val schema = ???
val stream: Stream[IO, Char] = ???
val validatedStream = stream.through(CSVParser[IO].parse).through(schema.validate)

As a result of the validation process, the ordinary CSV Record is converted to ValidatedRecord[K,V], which is an alias for Validated[InvalidRecord, TypedRecord[K,V]]. The parametric types K and V are the compile-time, tuple-based representations of the record keys and values. Because they depend on the schema definition and are quite elaborate, we are not able to manually provide it - we have to let the compiler infer it. This is why the type signatures are omitted from some variable definitions in code excerpts in this chapter.

Validated is a Cats data type for wrapping validation results. It is similar to Either, with Valid corresponding to Right and Invalid to Left, but more suitable for validation scenarios. Please reach for Cats documentation for an in-depth introduction.

The compile-time nature of this process makes future record handling fully type-safe:

val validatedStream = ???
validatedStream.map { validated =>
  validated.map { typedRecord =>
    val symbol: String = typedRecord("symbol")
    val price: BigDecimal = typedRecord("price")
    // ...

Please notice, that in contrast to the regular record, where the result is wrapped in Decoded[T], we always get the straight type out of typed record. If we try to access a non-existing field (not defined by schema) or assign it to a wrong value type, we will get a compilation error:

val typedRecord = ???
val price: BigDecimal = typedRecord("prce") // does not compile 

The key (field name) used to access the record value is a literal type. To be accepted by a typed record, the key has to be a literal value or a variable having a singleton type:

val typedRecord = ???
val narrow: "symbol" = "symbol" // singleton
val wide = "symbol" // String
val symbol1 = typedRecord("symbol")  // OK
val symbol2 = typedRecord(narrow)  // OK
val symbol3 = typedRecord(wide)  // does not compile

Typed records, similarly to regular ones, support conversion to case classes:

case class StockPrice(symbol: String, price: BigDecimal)
val typedRecord = ???
val stockPrice: StockPrice = typedRecord.to[StockPrice]

Like in the case of regular records, the conversion is name-based and may cover only a subset of a record's fields. However, in contrast to a regular record, the result is not wrapped in Decoded anymore.

A field declared in the schema has to be present in the source stream. Moreover, its values, by default, must not be empty. If values are optional, they have to be clearly marked as such in the schema definition:

val schema = CSVSchema()

Please note, that this still requires the field (column) to be present, only permits it to contain empty values.

While processing a validated stream, we have access to invalid data as well:

val validatedStream = ???
validatedStream.map { validated =>
  validated.map { typedRecord =>
    val price: BigDecimal = typedRecord("price")
    // ...
  }.leftMap { invalid =>
    val price: Option[String] = invalid.record("price")
    // ...

(the above map/leftMap combination may be simplified to bimap).

Schema validation requires string parsing, described in the previous chapter. Similarly to the conversion to case classes, we are not able to directly pass a formatter to the validation, so a regular StringParser given instance with the correct format has to be provided for each parsed type. All remarks described in Text parsing and rendering apply to the validation process.

Type verification, although probably the most important aspect of schema validation, is often not the only constraint on CSV required to successfully process the data. We often have to check if the values match many other business rules. spata provides a mean to declaratively verify basic constraints on the field level:

val schema = CSVSchema()
  .add[String]("symbol", LengthValidator(3, 5))
  .add[BigDecimal]("price", MinValidator(BigDecimal(0.01)))
  .add[String]("currency", LengthValidator(3))

Records that do not pass the provided schema validators render the result invalid, as in the case of a wrong type.

It is possible to provide multiple validators for each field. The validation process for a field is stopped on the first failing validator. The order of running validators is not specified. Nevertheless, the validation is run independently for each field defined by the schema. The returned InvalidRecord contains error information from all incorrect fields.

The validators are defined in terms of typed (already correctly parsed) values. A bunch of typical ones is available as part of info.fingo.spata.schema.validator package. Additional ones may be provided by implementing the schema.validator.Validator trait.

The converter example presented in Basic usage may be improved to take advantage of schema validation:

import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.time.LocalDate
import scala.io.Codec
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import fs2.Stream
import info.fingo.spata.{CSVParser, CSVRenderer, Record}
import info.fingo.spata.io.{Reader, Writer}
import info.fingo.spata.schema.CSVSchema

object Converter extends IOApp.Simple:

  val converter: Stream[IO, Unit] =
    implicit val codec: Codec = Codec.UTF8
    val schema = CSVSchema().add[LocalDate]("date").add[Double]("temp")
    def fahrenheitToCelsius(f: Double): Double = (f - 32.0) * (5.0 / 9.0)

      .map {
        _.leftMap(_.toString).map { tr =>
          val date = tr("date")
          val temp = fahrenheitToCelsius(tr("temp"))
          Record.builder.add("date", date).add("temp", temp).get
      .evalMap { _ match
        case Invalid(s) => IO.println(s) >> IO.none
        case Valid(r) => IO(Some(r))

  def run: IO[Unit] = converter.compile.drain

Error handling

There are three types of errors that may arise while parsing CSV:

  • Various I/O errors, including but not limited to IOException. They are not directly related to parsing logic but CSV is typically read from an external, unreliable source. They may be raised by Reader operations.

  • Errors caused by malformed CSV structure reported as StructureException. They may be caused by CSVParser's methods.

  • Errors caused by unexpected / incorrect data in record fields reported as one of ContentError subclasses. They may result from interactions with Record. Alternatively, when schema validation is in use, this type of error results in InvalidRecord with SchemaErrors (one per each field) being yielded. More precisely, ContentError is wrapped in TypeError, while any custom validation problem is reported as ValidationError.

The two first error categories are unrecoverable and stop stream processing. For the StructureException errors, we can precisely identify the place that caused the problem. See Scaladoc for CSVException for further information about the error location.

The last category is reported on the record level and allows for different handling policies. Please notice, however, that if the error is not handled locally (e.g. using safe functions returning Decoded) and propagates through the stream, further processing of input data is stopped, like for the above error categories.

As for rendering, there are basically two types of errors possible:

  • Errors caused by missing records keys, including records of different structures rendered together. They are reported on record level with HeaderError.

  • Similarly to parsing, various I/O errors, when using Writer.

Errors are raised and should be handled by using the FS2 error handling mechanism. FS2 captures exceptions thrown or reported explicitly with raiseError and in both cases is able to handle them with handleErrorWith. To fully support this, CSVParser and CSVRenderer require the RaiseThrowable type class instance for its effect type, which is covered with cats.effect.Sync type class for the parser.

The converter example presented in Basic usage may be enriched with explicit error handling:

import java.nio.file.Paths
import scala.io.Codec
import scala.util.Try
import cats.data.Validated.{Invalid, Valid}
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import fs2.Stream
import info.fingo.spata.{CSVParser, CSVRenderer, Record}
import info.fingo.spata.io.{Reader, Writer}

object Converter extends IOApp:

  val converter: Stream[IO, ExitCode] =
    def fahrenheitToCelsius(f: Double): Double = (f - 32.0) * (5.0 / 9.0)
    implicit val codec: Codec = Codec.UTF8
    val src = Paths.get("testdata/fahrenheit.txt")
    val dst = Paths.get("testdata/celsius.txt")

      .filter(r => r("temp").exists(!_.isBlank))
      .map { r =>
          date <- r.get[String]("date")
          fTemp <- r.get[Double]("temp")
          cTemp = fahrenheitToCelsius(fTemp)
        yield Record.builder.add("date", date).add("temp", cTemp).get
      .fold(ExitCode.Success)((z, _) => z)
      .handleErrorWith { ex =>
        Stream.eval(IO(println(ex)) *> IO(ExitCode.Error))

  def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = converter.compile.lastOrError

The rethrow method in the above code raises an error for Left, converting Either to simple values.

Sometimes we would like to convert a stream to a collection. We should wrap the result in Either in such situations to distinguish successful processing from erroneous one. See the first code snippet in Basic usage for sample.


Logging is turned off by default in spata (no-op logger) and may be activated by defining given instance of util.Logger, passing an SLF4J logger instance to it:

val slf4jLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("spata")
given spataLogger: Logger[IO] = new Logger[IO](slf4jLogger)

spata does not create per-class loggers but uses the provided one for all logging operations.

All logging operations are deferred in the stream effect and executed as part of effect evaluation, together with main effectful operations.

The logging is currently limited to only a few events per parsed CSV source (single info entry, a couple of debug entries, and possibly an error entry). There are no log events generated per CSV record. No stack trace is recorded for error events.

The debug level introduces additional operations on the stream and may slightly impact performance.

No parsed data is explicitly written to the log. This can however occur when the CSV source is assumed to have a header row, but it does not. The first record of data is then assumed to be the header and is logged at debug level. Please do not use the debug level if data security is crucial.


For those who need a different characteristic of a CSV library, there are a few alternatives available for Scala:

  • Itto-CSV - CSV handling library based on FS2 and Cats with support for case class conversion. Supports Scala 2 and 3.
  • fs2 data - collection of FS2 based parsers, including CSV. Supports Scala 2 and 3.
  • kantan.csv - well documented CSV parser/serializer with support for different parsing engines. Available for Scala 2.
  • scala-csv - easy to use CSV reader/writer. Available for Scala 2 and 3.
  • cormorant - functional CSV processor with support for FS2, http4s and case class conversion. Available for Scala 2.


spata makes use of the following tools, languages, frameworks, libraries and data sets (in alphabetical order):

/C means compile/runtime dependency, /T means test dependency, /S means source code derivative and /D means development tool. Only direct dependencies are presented in the above list.