
Try to dockerize python web application

Primary LanguagePython


Try to dockerize python web application with different solution

  1. gunicorn
  • build docker image

    $ docker build -t gunicorn -f Dockerfile-gunicorn .
  • run docker

    $ docker run -d -p 80:8080 gunicorn
  • test result with

    $ ./go-wrk -c 80 -d 5  http://localhost:80
    Running 5s test @ http://localhost:80
      80 goroutine(s) running concurrently
    1189 requests in 5.131723889s, 184.62KB read
    Requests/sec:		231.70
    Transfer/sec:		35.98KB
    Avg Req Time:		345.279992ms
    Fastest Request:	81.419954ms
    Slowest Request:	714.153414ms
    Number of Errors:	0
  1. uwsgi
  • build docker image

    $ docker build -t uwsgi -f Dockerfile-uwsgi .
  • run docker

    $ docker run -d -p 80:8080 uwsgi
  • test result

       $ ./go-wrk -c 80 -d 5  http://localhost:80
       Running 5s test @ http://localhost:80
       80 goroutine(s) running concurrently
       1235 requests in 5.05482308s, 88.04KB read
       Requests/sec:	        244.32
       Transfer/sec:	        17.42KB
       Avg Req Time:	        327.437932ms
       Fastest Request:	        27.060363ms
       Slowest Request:	        786.284223ms
       Number of Errors:	0


  • add makefile
  • fix debug mode and pass env variable
  • increse number of worker


both service run as www-data user wich is not root user and not allow to use port below than 1024