Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Source Code:

  • This is the source code of introduction to artificial intelligence

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Project 1: General search algorithms

Help Pacman agent to find paths through his maze world.

Core Algorithms:

  • Breadth First Search
  • Depth First Search
  • Uniform Cost Search
  • A Star Search
  • Greedy Search

Project 2: Adversarial search

Design adversarial agents for the classic version of Pacman.

Core Algorithms:

  • MiniMax algorithm
  • Alpha-Beta algorithm
  • Expectimax search

Project 3: Reinforcement learning

Implement value iteration and Q-learning.

Core Algorithms:

  • Q-learning: epsilon-greedy
  • Q-learning: parameter tuning
  • Q-learning: crawler
  • Q-learning: training
  • Approximate Q-learning


  • Wenjie Qiu and Zixuan Li


  • If you are students of Washington University in St. Louis, you should cite properly and do not violate the academic integrity when you using this code.

  • Please contact the author through email if you want to use this code in other ways