
Jasper Modules for Master Branch (Not work with Jasper Dev Branch). マスタ枝のためのジャスパーモジュール。 (ジャスパー Dev 分岐と動作しない)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Jasper Modules

Custom Jasper Modules

OpenCV Face Detect Module

This Jasper module uses OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) library and detect a Faces using USB Webcam, once a face is detected it then click a photo of that Face and save image in a user directory.

Webcam: Logicool HD C270 (Other similar webcam will work)

Install OpenCV Lib
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv python-dev

Also do following
cd ~
mkdir out
cd ~/jasper/static
mkdir cascade
cp haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml ~/jasper/static/cascade/.

You can use following Words for this module

Currency Exchange Rate Calculator

This Jasper module uses Yahoo Finance Xchange Services. This module is specially design to use offline STT PocketSphinx efficiently.

Install Semantic Lib
sudo pip install semantic

You can use following Words for this module

Dialog with Jasper

JASPER: High Beep
YOU: Start Currency Rate Calculator
JASPER: Low Beep
JASPER: First Currency?
YOU: American Dollar
JASPER: Second Currency?
YOU: Japanese Yen
JASPER: Getting exchange rate of USD against JPY
JASPER: It is approximately 106.15 JPY for 1 USD
JASPER: Do you want to continue?


Tweeter module to send tweets, get Notifications, get whats treanding for your city and get public tweets from Tweeter.

Install Unidecode Lib
sudo pip install unidecode

Install tweepy Lib
git clone git://github.com/tweepy/tweepy.git

cd tweepy

python setup.py install

You can use following Words for this module

profile.yml config for twitter module

  # Access Level Read and write
  TW_CONSUMER_KEY: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  TW_CONSUMER_SECRET: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  TW_ACCESS_TOKEN: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  TW_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  WOEID: '<WOEID for your city or area>' 

Use following phrases

To send a tweet

Send a tweet on tweeter

To get twitter treands

What's trending on tweeter

To get tweeter notifications

Get tweeter notifications

To get public tweets

Get tweets on twitter

OpenWeatherMap Module

Get Current Weather Forecast, Weather Forecast for Next Week, Weather Forecast of Next Day.

Install Semantic Lib
sudo pip install semantic

Install pyowm (A Python wrapper around the OpenWeatherMap web API)
sudo pip install pyowm

You can signup for a free API key on the OWM website

profile.yml config for Open Weather Map module

   api_key: 'xxxxxxx646464564xxxxxxxxxx'
   city_name: 'Tokyo'
   country: 'JP'
   temp_unit: 'fahrenheit'       # 'kelvin', 'celsius' or 'fahrenheit' 

Use following phrases

To get current weather report

Hows weather today
Get current forecast

To get next days weather report

Hows weather tommorow
Weather forecast for tommorow

To get weekly forecast

Get weekly forecast

Support Forum Posts

This module fetch top posts from Support Forum and speak out author and title of post.

Use following phrases

Check Support Forum Posts
See recent forum posts
Check the forum