
Stashable backend http server

Primary LanguageGo

Stashable Backend Repository

REST API Service using Go, PostgreSQL database and Redis for caching


NOTE: This architecture was made in consideration of time (1 month deadline). Thus, this is a minified uncle bob's clean architecture without the repository/entity layer (Business is mixed with repository).

├── api # Presentation layer
├── backend # Business layer
├── build # Dockerfiles
├── clients # Infrastructure layer
├── cmd # Application entrypoint
│   ├── api # REST API entrypoint
│   └── populate # Populate db script
├── config # Application configuration
├── core # Application core libraries
│   ├── logger
│   ├── mime
│   ├── nanoid
│   └── token
├── db # Database migration scripts
└── hack # Bash scripts
    └── db

Getting Started

Run the dependencies containers (PostgreSQL, Redis, Adminer)

make compose

Start local development environment

make apiserver

Migrate database

chmod +x ./hack/db/migrate_db.sh

Populating DB (only warehouses & categories for now)

make populate


Create migration

$ chmod +x ./hack/db/migrate_new.sh
$ ./hack/db/migrate_new.sh
Usage: ./hack/db/migrate_new.sh NAME

$ ./hack/db/migrate_new.sh init

HTTP Load test

chmod +x ./hack/http_load_test.sh