Number Guessing Game


The program generates a random number for the computer.
Thereafter we have to guess the number chosen by the computer.
If we are incorrect it will tell us if we need to go higher or lower.
If we are correct it will confirm that we have won the game.
For this we have atmost 10 chances to guess the number.


🚀 The computer choose the random number between 1 to 100.
🚀 User inputs number value and presses submit.
🚀 Compare the guessed number by the user with the randomly chosen number by the computer.
🚀 If the guessed number is greater than the randomly chosen number
    👆 It will let us know that our choosen number is higher and try again.
🚀 If the guessed number is lower than the randomly chosen number
    👇 It will let us know that our choosen number is lower and try again.
🚀 If the gussed number is correct
    👍 Display won message.
🚀 If we are out of life
    👎 Display lose message.
🚀 End of the game.